From Lianjapedia
Note: property, method and event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.
This class supports the Common Properties plus the following:
Property | Access (R/RW) | Value | Description |
Bof | R | Boolean | Whether record pointer is at beginning of dataset |
Eof | R | Boolean | Whether record pointer is at end of recordset |
FieldCount | R | Numeric | Number of fields in the dataset |
Filter | RW | Character | Filter expression to restrict records |
Found | R | Boolean | Whether the last seek or find operation found a matching record |
Index | RW | Character | Name of the index tag |
NoMatch | R | Boolean | Whether the last seek or find operation did not find any matching records |
RecordCount | R | Numeric | Number of records in the dataset |
RecordNumber | R | Numeric | Number of the current record in the dataset |
This class supports the Common Methods plus the following:
Method | Args | Description |
AddNew | None | Adds a new record to the recordset. Field values of the new record can then be modified. Complete the add/modification by calling the update method. |
Close | None | Closes the recordset |
Column | columnumber as Numeric | Return the value of the specified column in the current record |
Delete | None | Marks the current record in a table recordset for deletion |
Edit | None | Puts the current record in recordset in edit mode, prior to field value modification. Complete the modification by calling the update method. |
Execute | command as Character | Execute the command |
Fcount | None | Returns the number of fields/columns in the recordset |
Fields | [fieldname as Character | fieldnumber as Numeric] | Return an object reference to the specified Field in the current record |
FindFirst | condition as Character | Move the record pointer to the first record in the recordset to match the condition |
FindLast | condition as Character | Move the record pointer to the last record in the recordset to match the condition |
FindNext | condition as Character | Move the record pointer to the next record in the recordset to match the condition |
FindPrevious | condition as Character | Move the record pointer to the previous record in the recordset to match the condition |
MoveBookmark | bookmark as Numeric | Move bookmark to the specified record number in the recordset |
Movefirst | None | Move record pointer to first record in the recordset |
Movelast | None | Move record pointer to last record in the recordset |
Movenext | None | Move record pointer to next record in the recordset |
Moveprevious | None | Move record pointer to previous record in the recordset |
Moverelative | numrecords as Numeric | Move record pointer by numrecords records: forwards if numrecords is positive, backwards if numrecords is negative |
RecCount | None | Return the number of records in the recordset |
RecNo | None | Return the current record number in the recordset |
Requery | None | Requery the recordset |
Seek | [operator as Character,] key as Character | Search the index for the first record to match the key. The operator (=, >, <) may optionally be specified. |
SQLExecute | sqlcommand as Character | Execute the SQL command |
Update | None | Completes an addnew or edit method operation |