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Note: property, method and event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.


Shown below in a standalone Form. Click the image to see in a Custom Section in a Lianja Page.


Richeditbox is a control for editing variable length or multi-line text.


This class supports the Common Properties plus the following:

Property Access (R/RW) Value Description
Alignment RW Numeric Alignment: 0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = center
ColumnNumber R Numeric Current column number
HTML RW Character Object's text in HTML
LineCount R Numeric Number of lines
LineNumber R Numeric Current line number
Modified RW Boolean Whether text has been modified
Readonly RW Boolean Whether text is readonly
SelectOnEntry RW Boolean Whether text is selected when object is entered
Text RW Character Object's text in plain text
Value RW Character Object's text contents
WordWrap RW Boolean Whether text is word-wrapped


This class supports the Common Methods plus the following:

Method Args Description
Append text as Character Add the specified text to the end of the existing text
Clear None Clear all text
Copy None Copy the currently selected text
Cut None Cut the currently selected text
DeleteLine line as Numeric Delete the line at the specified line number
Find text as Character[, flags as Numeric] Search for the specified text in the contents. Flags: 1 = search backwards instead of forwards, 2 = case sensitive, 4 = match only complete words
Goto line as Numeric Go to the specified line number
HighlightLine line as Numeric Highlight the line at the specified line number
InsertHtml htmltext as Character Insert the specified HTML text at the current position
InsertText text as Character Insert the specified plain text at the current position
Line line as Numeric Return the text at the specified line number
MoveDown None Move down a line in the text
MoveEnd None Move to the end of the text
MoveStart None Move to the start of the text
MoveUp None Move up a line in the text
Paste None Paste the current contents of the clipboard
Print None Print text contents
Redo None Redo last action
SelectAll None Select all text
Undo None Undo last action


This class supports the Common Events plus the following:

Event Args Description