Category:Common Events
From Lianjapedia
Each of the Lianja base UI classes has some common events as well as some that are specific to the UI Class itself. The following table summarizes the common events. Note: event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.
Event | Arguments | Description |
activate | None | Occurs when the object becomes active |
click | None | Occurs when the object is clicked |
deactivate | None | Occurs when the object is no longer active |
dragDrop | None | Occurs at the end of a drag-and-drop |
dragOver | None | Occurs when the object is dragged over a target |
gotFocus | None | Occurs when the object receives focus |
keyPress | None | Occurs when a key is pressed and released in the object |
lostFocus | None | Occurs when the object loses focus |
middleClick | None | Occurs when the middle mouse button is clicked on the object |
dblClick | None | Occurs when the mouse is clicked twice in quick succession |
mouseDown | None | Occurs when a mouse button is pressed in the object |
mouseEnter | None | Occurs when the mouse moves into the object |
mouseLeave | None | Occurs when the mouse leaves the object |
mouseMove | None | Occurs when the mouse is moved over the object |
mouseUp | None | Occurs when a mouse button is released in the object |
mouseWheel | None | Occurs when the mouse wheel is used on the object |
resized | None | Occurs when the object is resized |
rightClick | None | Occurs when the right mouse button is clicked on the object |
valid | None | Occurs before the object loses focus |
when | None | Occurs before the object receives focus |
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