Note: property, method and event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.
Shown below in a standalone Form. Click the image to see in a Custom Section in a Lianja Page.
Creates a page frame to contain Page objects.
A page frame is a container object that contains pages, which can contain containers and controls.
The page frame defines global characteristics of the page: size and positioning, border style, which page is active, and so on. The page frame determines the location of the pages and how much of each page is visible. Pages are positioned at the top left corner of the page frame. If the page frame is moved, the pages move with the page frame.
A page frame contains individual pages that are named Page1, Page2, Page3, and so on by default.
This class supports the Common Properties plus the following:
Property | Access (R/RW) | Value | Description |
ActivePage | RW | Numeric | Index of the selected page, starting from 0, left to right |
Closable | RW | Boolean | Whether individual tabs have a close button (x) |
PageCount | RW | Numeric | Number of pages in the pageframe. |
Tabs | RW | Boolean | Whether the tab bar is displayed |
Tabposition | RW | Character | Defines the position of the tabbar: 'north', 'south', 'east' or 'west' |
This class supports the Common Methods plus the following:
Method | Args | Description |
AddObject | existing as Object | newobject as Character, class as Character | Add an existing object or a new object, in which case the object's class must also be specified |
Removeobject | existing as Object | Remove the specified object |
This class supports the Common Events plus the following:
Event | Args | Description |
// // VFP custom section for page "page1" section "section1" // namespace rectabs public pageframe1, tab0, tab1, tab2 define class page1_section1 as section enddefine define class tabbutton as CommandButton proc click do case case upper( = "TABBUTTON1" pageframe1.activepage = 1 case upper( = "TABBUTTON2" pageframe1.activepage = 2 case upper( = "TABBUTTON3" messagebox(etos(int(pageframe1.pagecount)),64,"Pages") case upper( = "TABBUTTON4" pageframe1.closable = not pageframe1.closable case upper( = "TABBUTTON5" pageframe1.tabs = not pageframe1.tabs case upper( = "TABBUTTON6" if pageframe1.pagecount = 3 pageframe1.removeobject(tab2) else pageframe1.addobject("tab2","page") tab2.caption = "Tab2" tab2.backcolor = "green" endif endcase endproc enddefine proc page1_section1 page1_section1 = createobject("page1_section1") page1_section1.addobject("pageframe1", "pageframe") pageframe1.addobject("tab0", "page") tab0.layout = 3 tab0.picture = ":/images/recital_background" tab0.caption = "Tab0" tab0.addobject("tabbutton1", "tabbutton") tabbutton1.caption = "Select Tab1" tab0.addobject("tabbutton2", "tabbutton") tabbutton2.caption = "Select Tab2" tab0.addobject("tabbutton3", "tabbutton") tabbutton3.caption = "Display Pagecount" tab0.addobject("tabbutton4", "tabbutton") tabbutton4.caption = "Toggle closable tabs" tab0.addobject("tabbutton5", "tabbutton") tabbutton5.caption = "Toggle tab bar" tab0.addobject("tabbutton6", "tabbutton") tabbutton6.caption = "Add/remove tab" pageframe1.addobject("tab1", "page") tab1.caption = "Tab1" tab1.backcolor = "red" pageframe1.addobject("tab2", "page") tab2.caption = "Tab2" tab2.backcolor = "blue" return page1_section1