PageCenter Section

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PageCenter Sections display Tiles for opening Pages. The interface is the equivalent of the Lianja App Center, but for Pages instead of Apps.

PageCenter section.png

You build Apps in Lianja App Builder visually using the Page Builder.

If you have not yet done so please read Understanding the Lianja Architecture and also Understanding ART to better understand this article.

An App consists of pages. Pages are made up of Sections. Form sections are made up of FormItems. We call these collectively "UI Elements" or "Visual Elements".

Setting Attributes Declaratively

You adjust the appearance and behavior of each UI Element in the Attributes Tab of the App Inspector.


The attributes available consist of some common ones as well as some specific to the UI Element being inspected.

Getting and Setting Attributes Programmatically

The setAttribute(name, value) method can be used to set the value of an Attribute:


Note: on the desktop, the shortened form setAttr(name,value) is also available.

The getAttribute(name) method can be used to get the value of an Attribute:

cTitle = Lianja.get("pageid.sectionid").getAttribute("title")

Note: on the desktop, the shortened form getAttr(name) is also available.

See Also

Page Center (Video), Page Center Tiles

Demo Apps (included in the Lianja App Builder distribution):

  • Lianja Web UI Page Center Demo (example_pagecenter)



Attribute Description Name Type
Name The name for this section (unique to the page) id Character
Full name The full name for this section including its parent page, e.g. page1.section1 fullid Character
Alias name The alias name for this section aliasid Character
Dashboard group The dashboard section that this section belongs to. From v5.2. horizontalgroup Character
Horizontal stretch The horizontal % stretch factor that this section should occupy. From v5.2. horizontalgroupstretchfactor Character
Vertical stretch The vertical % stretch factor that this section should occupy. From v5.2. verticalgroupstretchfactor Character
App Doc The App Doc file for this section. This will be included in the App Doc when it is generated. appdoc Character
MetaData version The MetaData version number. You can set this in the setupUI hook to prevent MetaData being applied multiple times. metaDataVersion Int
Meta types A comma separated list of metatype names metatypes Character
Custom Props A ';' separated list of custom prop key pairs, e.g. name=barry;company=lianja
From v5.3.
customprops Character
Type The type of section: pagecenter (readonly) type Character
Caption The section caption displayed in the section header title Character


Attribute Description Name Type
Hide header Hide section header at runtime (True | False) hideHeaderAtRuntime Boolean

PageCenter options

Attribute Description Name Type
Background color Section background color (from v4.0) backColor Character
Foreground color Section foreground color (from v4.0) foreColor Character

Visual Component Details

Attribute Description Name Type
Component library This specifies the Component library where the component will be saved. componentlib Character
Component name Save as this component name whenever the section is saved. componentname Character
Component author The author of this component. componentauthor Character
Component version The version of this component. componentversion Character
Component description The description of this component. componentdescription Character
Component permissions The permissions required for this component in Lianja Cloud App Builder. componentpermissions Character
Component width The width of this component when activated as a Form. componentwidth Int
Component height The height of this component when activated as a Form. componentheight Int

Permissions and Roles

Attribute Description Name Type
Create roles A comma separated list of roles that can perform create operations on data in the section. permcreate Character
Read roles A comma separated list of roles that can read (and view) the section. permRead Character
Update roles A comma separated list of roles that can perform update operations on data in the section. permUpdate Character
Delete roles A comma separated list of roles that can perform delete operations on data in the section. permDelete Character

UI Presentation Rules

Attribute Description Name Type
Desktop Include this section in a Desktop client (True | False). desktopUI Boolean
Web Include this section in a Web client (True | False). webUI Boolean
Tablet Include this section in a Tablet client (True | False). tabletUI Boolean
Phone Include this section in a Phone client (True | False). mobileUI Boolean
UI States UI states that affect this section. Specify multiple states as a comma separated list. state Character
Initial UI state The initial UI state for this section. This will be applied to the section and all its fields and gadgets. uiStateInit Character
Readonly when Section is readonly at runtime if specified expression evaluates to true. readonlyWhen Character
Visible when Section is visible at runtime if specified expression evaluates to true. visibleWhen Character
Display orientation Display depending on mobile device orientation for Tablets and Phones. (Always | Portrait | Landscape) displayOrientation Character
Apply rules on change Apply UI presentation rules (Visible when and Readonly when) when data is changed interactively or when navigating records (True | False). applyRulesOnChange Boolean
Apply rules on parent change Apply section UI presentation rules (Visible when and Readonly when) when parent data is changed by navigating records (True | False) applyRulesOnParentChange Boolean
Search Panel Responsive UI width breakpoint The Search Panel responsive UI width breakpoint in Web/Mobile Apps. From v5.4. searchpanelresponsivevisibility Int
Menu Responsive UI width breakpoint The Menu responsive UI width breakpoint in Web/Mobile Apps. From v5.4. responsivemenuwidth Int
Responsive UI width breakpoint The section responsive UI visibility width breakpoint in Web/Mobile Apps. From v5.4. responsivewidthvisibility Int
Responsive UI height breakpoint The section responsive UI visibility height breakpoint in Web/Mobile Apps. From v5.4. responsiveheightvisibility Int