Lianja Pricing
The prices detailed below are from our Online Store.
Lianja is under continual development, see the product development roadmap which details features and functionality under development.
Lianja is a community driven development, talk with other Lianja developers in the Lianja Developer Community forums.
How are Lianja products sold?
Lianja products are all sold by subscription.
Annual subscriptions provide you with product support using our helpdesk/ticket system and upgrades to new major product versions while your subscription is active.
But don't worry, if you do not renew your annual subscription, you can still use the licensed versions of the Lianja products that you have purchased and these will continue to work but you will not be able to upgrade to new major versions e.g. upgrade from v1 to v2 or v3 as these require new license keys.
If you renew your annual subscription you help make Lianja better as we invest heavily in research and development. Help us help you, it's a win-win situation.
Use of Lianja products purchased using monthly payments require an active Monthly Subscription for continued use.
Your purchase of a Lianja subscription will help to support these products and their future development!
What products do I need to purchase?
If you want to build Desktop, Web and Mobile Apps you should purchase Lianja App Builder.
After you have built and tested your Web/Mobile Apps in Lianja App Builder and you want to deploy them in the cloud you need to purchase a Lianja Cloud Server.
Can I Install Lianja App Builder on more than one computer?
Yes. The license that is emailed to you after you have purchased Lianja App Builder allows you to activate it 3 times so you can install on an office computer, your laptop and one more computer. This license is for one developer but provides you with 3 activations. It cannot and should not be shared by more than one developer. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the product key being revoked.
Lianja Product List
Lianja App Builder Subscription Lianja SQL Server Subscription Lianja Cloud Server Subscription Lianja ISV Subscription Lianja Premium Support Subscription Lianja Premium Plus Support Subscription
Lianja App Builder Subscription
Product Description |
Montly Subscription |
Lianja App Builder - Monthly Subscription
One Developer license for Windows, Linux and macOS. Lianja App Builder. Lianja App Center. Lianja SQL Server. Lianja ODBC driver Lianja Cloud Server. Lianja Web Client and Lianja Mobile Client frameworks. Includes 25 SQL Server and Cloud Server connections remote and local for development and testing. Unlimited Desktop Apps Distribution. All major.minor release updates and use while your subscription is active. Standard tickets and developer forum support only.
Each Lianja App Builder License is for ONE developer but it can be activated on up to 3 separate machines.

Product Description |
Annual Subscription |
Subscription Renewal |
Lianja App Builder - Annual Subscription
One Developer license for Windows, Linux and macOS. Lianja App Builder. Lianja App Center. Lianja SQL Server. Lianja ODBC driver Lianja Cloud Server. Lianja Web Client and Lianja Mobile Client frameworks. Includes 25 SQL Server and Cloud Server connections for development and testing. Unlimited Desktop Apps Distribution. Includes Standard Support.
All major.minor release updates while your subscription is active.
Standard support consists of:
Standard tickets and developer forum support only. 72 hours response. 10 incidents per year.
If you need more that what "Standard Support" offers then you should consider "Premium Support".
Each Lianja App Builder License is for ONE developer but it can be activated on up to 3 separate machines.
What happens if I do not renew my annual subscription?
You can still use the licensed versions of the Lianja products that you have and these will continue to work but you will not be able to upgrade to new major versions e.g. upgrade from v1 to v2 or v3 as these require new license keys.
You can distribute your Desktop Apps and sell them insofar as you have an active subscription.
Lianja App Builder and Lianja Cloud Server Subscription Bundle SAVE US$600
One Developer license for Windows, Linux and macOS. Lianja App Builder. Lianja App Center. Lianja SQL Server. Lianja ODBC driver Lianja Cloud Server Professional Edition Lianja Web Client and Lianja Mobile Client frameworks. Includes 25 SQL Server and Cloud Server connections for development and testing. Unlimited Desktop Apps Distribution. Unlimited Lianja Cloud/Mobile App Server Connections. Includes Standard Support.
All major.minor release updates while your subscription is active.
Standard support consists of:
Standard tickets and developer forum support only. 72 hours response. 10 incidents per year.
If you need more that what "Standard Support" offers then you should consider "Premium Support".
Each Lianja App Builder License is for ONE developer but it can be activated on up to 3 separate machines.
What happens if I do not renew my annual subscription?
You can still use the licensed versions of the Lianja products that you have and these will continue to work but you will not be able to upgrade to new major versions e.g. upgrade from v1 to v2 or v3 as these require new license keys.
You can distribute your Desktop Apps and sell them insofar as you have an active subscription.
Lianja Apps Cloud Subscription
Product Description |
Monthly Subscription |
Lianja Apps Cloud Developer Subscription.
For indie Developers:
- Cloud App Builder.
- Hosted Lianja Cloud Server.
- 20 GB Disk space.
- Max 10 Concurrent Users.
- Unlimited Named Users.
- Standard Support.
- Unlimited Apps.
- Equivalent to US$10/User/Month.
Each Lianja Cloud App Builder License is for ONE developer and it can be activated on only 1 machine. Cloud App Builder is limited to Web and Mobile Apps only. No Desktop Apps.
Lianja Apps Cloud Small Subscription.
For Small Business.
- Cloud App Builder.
- Hosted Cloud Server.
- 250 GB Disk space.
- Max 100 Concurrent Users.
- Unlimited Named Users.
- Premium Support.
- Unlimited Apps.
- Equivalent to US$5/User/Month.
Each Lianja Cloud App Builder License is for ONE developer and it can be activated on only 1 machine. Cloud App Builder is limited to Web and Mobile Apps only. No Desktop Apps.
Lianja Apps Cloud Medium Subscription.
For Medium Sized Businesses.
- Cloud App Builder.
- Hosted Cloud Server.
- 500 GB Disk space.
- Max 200 Concurrent Users.
- Unlimited Named Users.
- Standard Support.
- Unlimited Apps.
- Equivalent to US$5/User/Month.
Each Lianja Cloud App Builder License is for ONE developer and it can be activated on only 1 machine. Cloud App Builder is limited to Web and Mobile Apps only. No Desktop Apps.
Lianja Apps Cloud Large Subscription.
For Large Sized Businesses.
- Cloud App Builder.
- Hosted Cloud Server.
- Custom Lianja App Hosting configuration
- Unlimited Named Users.
- Premium Support.
- Unlimited Apps
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Lianja SQL Server Subscription
Product Description |
Annual Subscription |
Subscription Renewal |
Lianja SQL Server Standard Edition for Windows Server or Linux. Unlimited CPU's and unlimited cores. High performance database with huge (64-bit) file support. Limited to 250 ODBC/JDBC concurrent connections. Includes ODBC driver. Includes JDBC driver. Standard tickets and developer forum support only. |
Lianja SQL Server Professional Edition for Windows Server or Linux. Unlimited CPU's and unlimited cores. High performance database with huge (64-bit) file support. Unlimited concurrent connections. Includes ODBC driver. Includes JDBC driver. Standard tickets and developer forum support only. |
Lianja Cloud Server Subscription
Product Description |
Annual Subscription |
Subscription Renewal |
Lianja Cloud Server Standard Edition for Windows Server or Linux. Limited to 250 concurrent cloud connections. (Approximately 50 users) Unlimited CPU's and unlimited cores. Includes Lianja SQL Server. Includes ODBC driver. Includes JDBC driver. Includes OData RESTful API. Includes Lianja Web Client and Lianja Mobile Client Frameworks. Standard tickets and developer forum support only. |
Lianja Cloud Server Professional Edition for Windows Server or Linux. Unlimited concurrent cloud connections. Unlimited CPU's and unlimited cores. Includes Lianja SQL Server. Includes ODBC driver. Includes JDBC driver. Includes OData RESTful API. Includes Lianja Web Client and Lianja Mobile Client Frameworks. Standard tickets and developer forum support only. |
Lianja Cloud Server Enterprise Edition for Linux. Docker container. Unlimited docker container instances across clustered linux servers. Includes Lianja SQL Server. Includes ODBC driver. Includes JDBC driver. Includes OData RESTful API. Includes Lianja Web Client and Lianja Mobile Client Frameworks. Standard tickets and developer forum support only.
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Lianja ISV Subscription
The Lianja ISV Subscription is an annual subscription primarily aimed at Independent Software Vendors to help them build and deploy their Lianja Apps cost effectively. There are specific eligibility requirements in order for a software company to qualify for an ISV subscription which are detailed below.
The Lianja ISV Subscription includes:
- Lianja App Builder Subscription (3 developer licenses)
- Lianja SQL Server ISV Edition (unlimited distribution)
- Lianja Cloud Server ISV Edition (unlimited distribution)
- Early access to beta builds allowing you to test bug fixes and preview new features prior to general release.
- Unlimited runtime deployment of ISV Apps
- Premium Support
The terms of an ISV subscription agreement are as follows:
- The ISV must own the rights to all of the source code of the Apps and the incorporated components/libraries that they offer to their customers
- The ISV cannot compete directly or indirectly with the tools and technologies developed by Lianja nor incorporate any of the Lianja libraries to produce development tools that compete with those offered by Lianja
- The ISV must have less than $2m per year in gross sales. If sales exceed this amount then one ISV subscription should be purchased for each $2m in gross sales. Lianja reserves the right to audit and/or request a copy of the audited accounts of the ISV to verify this.
- Granting of an ISV subscription agreement is at the sole discretion of Lianja.
- If an ISV does not abide by the terms and conditions of the ISV subscription agreement their ISV subscription will be canceled and their rights to distribute their Apps developed in Lianja rescinded.
- The Lianja distribution deployed by the ISV can be used solely to run the Apps that the ISV has developed and provided to their customers. If their customer wishes to develop additional Apps or functionality they must purchase the appropriate Lianja license directly from Lianja or a certified Lianja reseller.
- Under no circumstances can any of the non open-source libraries provided in the Lianja distribution be used for any other purpose other than for developing and deploying Lianja Apps. This is an absolute requirement as some of the libraries have legal restrictions which allow their use only with Lianja tools and Apps developed with Lianja tools.
- When a request to become an ISV is accepted by Lianja then the ISV agreement will be emailed as a PDF file to the ISV. The ISV subscription agreement must be signed by an officer of both the ISVs company and Lianja and be certified by an attorney/lawyer or authorized notary.
Product Description |
Annual Subscription |
Subscription Renewal |
Lianja ISV Subscription with Lianja Premium Support. |
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Lianja Premium Support Subscription
With our Premium Support Subscription, whether you require priority response for show-stopper and production issues, or need help resolving issues with your App, we’ve got you covered with priority access to our knowledgeable and enthusiastic Lianja support team.
The Lianja Premium Support Subscription includes:
- Priority tickets.
- Priority response.
- Early access to beta builds allowing you to test bug fixes and preview new features prior to general release.
- Limited to one named customer.
- Direct email support.
Product Description |
Annual Support Subscription |
Lianja Premium Support Subscription. |
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Lianja Premium Plus Support Subscription
The Lianja Premium Plus Support Subscription provides priority response for show-stopper and production issues, but goes a step further to provide remote one on one mentoring by Lianja staff.
The Lianja Premium Plus Support Subscription includes:
- Priority tickets.
- Priority response.
- Up to 4 hours (1 hour per week) remote one on one sessions a month (GotoMeeting or Skype).
These mentoring sessions can be used for App reviews or informal Lianja training tailored to the customer.
- Early access to beta builds allowing you to test bug fixes and preview new features prior to general release.
- Limited to one named customer.
- Direct email support.
Product Description |
Monthly Support Subscription |
Lianja Premium Plus Support Subscription. |
US$2499 Contact Sales
Lianja App Builder licenses cover all three platforms; Windows, Mac and Linux.
One product subscription should be purchased for each developer in an organization.
Lianja SQL Server is for building traditional client/server Apps. Your Lianja Apps can be running on a Windows, Linux or Mac client device and the database server (Lianja SQL Server) can be running on Windows Server or Linux on a LAN or in the cloud.
If you are deploying an application to a customer we recommend that you purchase at least one developer license to install at a customer site so that you can perform Database Administration tasks when required on the customer server. Note also that User Roles and Permissions are performed using the App Builder.
Note that all prices are subject to change without notice.