Grid Appearance

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Revision as of 06:54, 7 January 2021 by Yvonne.milne (Talk | contribs)

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See Also

Attachments Section Attributes, Colors, CSS, Data Attributes, Gradients, Grid Column Attributes, Grid Section Attributes, Section Appearance, Shading and Transparency

Grid Section

Alternating row colors

Display alternating row colors (True | False)

Automatic pagination

Grid is rendered using pagination if the number of records exceeds below amount (True | False)

Automatic pagination size

Grid is rendered using pagination if Automatic pagination is true and the number of records exceeds this amount

Autoresize columns

Autoresize grid columns to fit data (True | False)

Background color

Section background color.

CSS style

CSS style (separate attributes with ; or use app:/filename.css).

Desktop grid row height

Height of the grid rows on desktop

Enable inline cell editing

Enable inline cell editing in web/mobile (True | False). If False (default), cell contents are edited in the pull-left dialog panel. From v5.0.

Foreground color

Section background color.

Gradient colors

Render the background color as a gradient (True | False).

Gradient end color

Gradient end color.

Gradient start color

Gradient start color.

Gradient type

Specify the gradient type.

Grid background color

Grid background color.

Grid foreground color

Grid foreground color.

Grid header background color

Grid header background color. Header custom color must be set to true.

Grid header foreground color

Grid header foreground color. Header custom color must be set to true.

Header custom color

Render the section header with custom colors (True | False). The custom colors are set in Grid header background color and Grid header foreground color.

Infinitely scrollable

Grid is always rendered using infinite scroll for large data sets (mousewheel on desktop/web, flick up and down on mobile) (True | False).

Inline effect

The display effect for inline images and memos (None | Dropshadow | Raisedshadow).

Inline height

The display size height for inline images and memos.

Inline width

The display size width for inline images and memos.

Map Return to Down Arrow

Maps the Return key to the Down key when cell editing in web/mobile (True | False). From v5.0.

Map Return to Tab

Maps the Return key to a Tab when cell editing in web/mobile (True | False). From v5.0.

MultiSelect rows

Enable multi selection of grid rows. The SelectionChanged delegate is called as rows are selected or deselected (True | False)

MultiSelect rows expression

The expression to evaluate when a multi select row operation is performed. These are passed as a comma separated list to the SelectionChanged delegate.


Grid is always rendered using pagination (for large data sets) (True | False)

Phone grid row height

Height of the grid rows on phone

Record mark expression

The record mark. Can include {} macros. From v5.2.

The Show record mark attribute must be True for the expression to be displayed.

The record mark column is displayed in place when the Grid Section is scrolled horizontally.

Grid Section Record Mark

Record mark tooltip

The record mark tooltip. Can include {} macros. From v5.2.

The Show record mark attribute must be True for the tooltip to be displayed.

See screenshot above.

Row dynamic background

The expression or function that provides dynamic row color formatting. e.g. iif(amount<0,'red',)

Row dynamic foreground

The expression or function that provides dynamic row color formatting. e.g. iif(amount<0,'white',)


Section displays the grid vertical scrollbar (True | False)

Show actionbar

Show the actionbar (True | False)

Show grid lines

Show grid lines (True | False)

Show images inline

Show image columns as inline images (True | False).

Show logicals as CheckBoxes

Display logical/Boolean values as CheckBoxes (True | False)

Show memo/object panel

Show memo/object panel in splitbar mode (True | False)

Show memo/varchar inline

Show memo/varchar columns as inline text (True | False).

Show record mark

Show the record mark (True | False). From v5.2.

If True, the Record mark expression and Record mark tooltip will be displayed if specified. If no Record mark expression is specified, the record number will be displayed.

See screenshot above.

Show split edit

Display grid in split/form edit mode when displayed (True | False)

Split grid

Split the grid into a grid and a form (True | False)

Stretch last column

Stretch last grid column (True | False)

Tablet grid row height

Height of the grid rows on tablet


Specify a transparency percentage from 0 to 100.

Web grid row height

Height of the grid rows on web

Grid Column

Alternating row colors

Whether this column should have alternating row colors if the grid does (True | False).

Background color

The background color of the column


Display as a button (True | False).

Button caption

The (optional) button caption.

Cell dynamic background

The expression or function that provides dynamic cell color formatting, e.g. iif({}<0,"red",""). Note the use of {}, substituted with the current cell value.

Cell dynamic foreground

The expression or function that provides dynamic cell color formatting, e.g. iif({}<0,"red",""). Note the use of {}, substituted with the current cell value.

Column width

Specify the fixed width in pixels of this column (0 is autosized).

Custom cell display

The name of a procedure/function that will return the display text for the cell.

Custom cell editor

The name of a procedure/function that will return a custom editor for the cell. This may be a container with multiple controls.

Custom cell padding

The padding (pixel) for custom display and editor cells.

Fixed column width

Should this column be a fixed width (True | False).

Only visible when editing

Only show this column when editing. Hidden otherwise at runtime (True | False). From v6.0.

Summary column

Include this column in the summary panel (True | False). Prior to v6.0 this was called Total this column. Minimum, Maximum and Average column values can now also be displayed along with the column Total.

Text Alignment

Text alignment (Auto | Left | Center | Right).

Total expression

Specify an expression to calculate the column total, e.g. calc_column("{}"). Note that {} will be substituted with the data controlsource.

Total format

Specify an expression to format the column total, e.g. currency({}).

Total this column

Include this column in the summary totals (True | False). From v6.0 this is renamed Summary column as Minimum, Maximum and Average column values can now also be displayed.