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Note that colors may be overridden by Themes or CSS Styles.

Gradient colors

The Gradient colors attribute determines whether the background color will be rendered as a gradient or not. Check the Gradient colors attribute to render the background as a 2 color gradient (True); uncheck the Gradient colors attribute to use as single color background color (False).

Gradient type

The following values are available for the Gradient type attribute:

Gradient type 0

Gradient type 0 = None.

In the following examples, the Gradient start color is set to [250,250,250] (255) and the Gradient end color is set to [255,85,0] (255).

Gradient type 1

Gradient type 1 = Vertical spread.

Gradient type 2

Gradient type 2 = Left to right.

Gradient type 3

Gradient type 3 = Right to left.

Gradient type 4

Gradient type 4 = Vertical centered.

Gradient start color

This defines the Gradient start color. Click the [...] button to display the Select Color dialog.

Gradient end color

This defines the Gradient end color. Click the [...] button to display the Select Color dialog.