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Function to write a character expression to the current output



See Also

?, ??, ECHO, Lianja System Object, Lianja/VFP Server Pages, MESSAGEBOX(), SET DEBUGOUT, SET SPACE, TRANSFORM()


The WRITEOUTPUT() function is used to display the character expression <expC> to the current output.

The WRITEOUTPUT() function is particularly used to assist in the debugging of .rsp scripts in web Apps. Add the set debugout on command along with WRITEOUTPUT() calls to the .rsp script then open the App in the browser using Preview live in browser. The WRITEOUTPUT() display can then be monitored in the App Builder Console workspace.


writeoutput("hello world")
// Lianja/VFP Server Page (.rsp) example
set debugout on
Lianja.writeoutput("Write this to the debug_server file")
writeOutput("Write this to the App Builder Console workspace")
? > m_database
? > _args
set debugout off