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Line 304: Line 304:
|valign="top"|Default view||The default view to be displayed (Month | Week | Day)
|valign="top"|Default view||
|valign="top"|Event type column||The (character) event type column from the table for the events in the calendar.  Defaults to 'eventtype'.
|valign="top"|Event type column||
|valign="top"|Event type choices||The event type choices for the events in the calendar.  This can be a comma separated list or a SQL statement.
|valign="top"|Event type choices||
|valign="top"|Event title column||The (character) event title column from the table.  Defaults to 'eventtitle'.
|valign="top"|Event title column||
|valign="top"|Event start column||The (datetime) event start column from the table.  Defaults to 'eventstart'.
|valign="top"|Event start column||
|valign="top"|Event end column||The (datetime) event end column from the table.  Defaults to 'eventend'.
|valign="top"|Event end column||
|valign="top"|Event repeat column||The (int) event repeating flag column from the table.  Defaults to 'eventrepeat'.
|valign="top"|Event repeat column||
|valign="top"|Event allday column||The (logical) event allday flag column from the table.  Defaults to 'eventallday'.
|valign="top"|Event allday column||
|valign="top"|Event key column||The key expression for events in the calendar.  Defaults to 'eventkey'.
|valign="top"|Event key column||
|valign="top"|Event type value||The event type for this calendar, e.g. meeting, vacation, appointment.  Calendar contents will be filtered on this.
|valign="top"|Event type value||
|valign="top"|Autosize||Autosize the calendar into the viewport (True | False)
|valign="top"|Other options||Other calendar options
|valign="top"|Other options||
|valign="top"|Click delegate||Delegate to call when a calendar event is clicked
|valign="top"|Click delegate||
|valign="top"|Dynamic day backcolor||Delegate to return the background colors and dates.  You should return this as a comma separated list.  The delegate is called with one parameter: 'dates' or 'colors'.  The currently selected cursor contains the selected records.
|valign="top"|Dynamic day backcolor||
|valign="top"|Dynamic event backcolor||Delegate to return the background color of the event for the specified event type, which is passed as a parameter
|valign="top"|Dynamic event backcolor||
|valign="top"|Dynamic event forecolor||Delegate to return the foreground color of the event for the specified event type, which is passed as a parameter
|valign="top"|Dynamic event forecolor||
|valign="top"|Custom delegate library||Custom library containing the day and event dynamic color delegates
|valign="top"|Custom delegate library||
|valign="top"|Filter||The filter expression that restricts which events will be included in the calendar
[[Category:Attribute Categories]]
[[Category:Attribute Categories]]

Revision as of 09:27, 23 September 2015

Under Construction

See Also

Calendar Section Attributes


Calendar Section in Lianja Web Client

Calendar Sections provide a calendar interface to allow for the creation, display, update and deletion of appointments and other time planner events.

Lianja Web UI Calendar Demo

example_webapp4 App

The 'Lianja Web UI Calendar Demo' (example_webapp4) is included in the Lianja App Builder distribution to demonstrate the use of a Calendar Section.

Calendar Sections are also included in 'Lianja Mobile App Demo' (lianja_mobiledemo) and 'Lianja Web UI Page Center Demo' (example_pagecenter").

example_webapp4 App

This single Page App has a main Form Section for the southwind!employees table and a related Calendar Section for that employee's appointments.

Calendar Table

The example_webapp4 App uses the southwind!employees_calendar table. Its structure is listed below. Your table can have different field names and additional fields, but the data type of the fields used by the Calendar Section should match those shown here. The width of the character fields can be altered as required.

Field Field Name Type Width Notes
1 LASTNAME Character 20 Related key field. A numeric related field can also be used. Not required if no related parent Section.
2 EVENTTITLE Character 80 The title for the event that will be displayed in the calendar.
3 EVENTSTART DateTime 8 The start date and time of the event.
4 EVENTEND DateTime 8 The end date and time of the event.
5 EVENTREPEAT Integer 11 Non 0 value flags the event as a repeating event. Repeating events are repeated monthly to the end of the event year.
6 EVENTALLDAY Logical 1 Whether the event lasts all day.
7 EVENTTYPE Character 40 The category type for the event.

Using a Calendar Section

Calendar Section controls

The controls at the top of the Calendar Section are used to enter details about an event. Clicking on an event in the main calendar loads the event's details into the controls.

Control Description
Event Type Combobox with event types. Displayed when the 'Event type choices' Section attribute is defined.
Event Title Textbox to enter the title for the event.
Start Date Date picker to select the start date for the event.
End Date Date picker to select the end date for the event.
Start Time Time picker to select the start time for the event.
End Time Time picker to select the end time for the event.
All Day Checkbox to flag whether the event lasts all day.
Repeat Checkbox to flag whether the event is a repeating event.
Calendar Section buttons

The buttons below the controls, handle data and display operations.

Button Description
New Populates the controls with the current date and default times.
Delete Deletes the event currently displayed in the controls.
Update Saves the event currently displayed in the controls.
< Calendar display goes back one year.
< Calendar display goes back one month, one week or one day depending on the current view (Month, Week, Day).
> Calendar display goes forward one month, one week or one day depending on the current view (Month, Week, Day).
> Calendar display goes forward one year.
Today Calendar display goes to Today.
Day Calendar display goes to Day view.
Week Calendar display goes to Week view.
Month Calendar display goes to Month view.

Calendar Section Attributes

Calendar Section attributes

Double-click the Section header or click the cog icon to access the Section Attributes.

The Details section at the top of the attributes dialog holds the specification of the database and table.

The Calendar Section options are described here.

Default view

The starting view for the calendar. 'Month', 'Week' or 'Day' can be selected, the default is 'Month'. e.g.


Event type column

Required. The name of a character column. It corresponds to the 'Event Type' control. The control is a free-entry textbox unless the Event type choices is populated, in which case it is a combobox and a choice must be made from the list. The calendar can also be filtered by the event type, by specifying a valid event type in the Event type value attribute. e.g.


Event type choices

Optional. These are choices for the Event type column and should be specified as a list of comma-separated character strings postfixed with optional background and foreground colors in the format :background:foreground. The colors are character strings and can be any of the standard web colors e.g. "pink", "lightgreen" or an HTML/CSS style color code e.g. "#cfcfcf". Events will be displayed in the calendar body using their event type's colors.

Note that if the list starts with a comma, a blank event type will be displayed until the combobox is expanded. e.g.

,Sales Meeting:yellow:black,Meeting,Vacation,Sick:red:yellow,Appointment:green:white,Other

Event title column

Required. The name of a character column. It corresponds to the 'Event Title' control, a free-entry textbox. e.g.


Event start column

Required. The name of a datetime column. It corresponds to the 'Start Date' and 'Start Time' date and time picker controls. e.g.


Event end column

Required. The name of a datetime column. It corresponds to the 'End Date' and 'End Time' date and time picker controls. e.g.


Event repeat column

Required. The name of an integer or numeric column. It corresponds to the 'Repeat' checkbox control. e.g.


Event allday column

Required. The name of a logical column. It corresponds to the 'All Day' checkbox control. e.g.


Event key column


Event type value

Optional. If specified, it should be a character string and correspond to a valid Event Type. Only events with a matching Event Type will be displayed in the calendar. e.g.



If checked to True, the height of the calendar cells will be autosized to fit the Section size. e.g.


Other options

Optional. User defined options can be specified as name=value comma-separated pairs. These will be passed as parameters to the calendar_view.rsp script. e.g.


Click delegate

Optional. The name of a delegate script to be called when a cell in the calendar is clicked. Data is passed to the click delegate in JSON format. e.g.

function calendar_click(data)
	// You can handle a custom calendar cell click event here
"eventtype":"eventtype","eventtypevalue":"Sales Meeting"}

Dynamic day backcolor

Optional. The name of a function in the Custom delegate library that returns dates and their associated background colors, allowing specific dates to be highlighted. e.g.


The function should accept a parameter which will have one of two values: 'dates' or 'colors'.

If the parameter is 'dates', the function should return a string containing comma-separated ISO format character string dates. These can contain a single '*' to indicate either all years, all months or all days. The strings 'sunday' and 'saturday' are also recognized.

If the parameter is 'colors', the function should return a string containing comma-separated color strings (e.g. 'red' or '#FF0000'), one for each date in the dates string. The colors will be applied to the dates in order. e.g.

function getdatecolors(para1)
	if para1 = "dates"
		return ['2015-*-28','sunday','&(strftime("%F",dtoc(date())))','*-09-01']
		return ['purple','yellow','blue','#FF0000']

In the example above, the 28th of every month in 2015 will have a purple background, all Sundays will have a yellow background, the current date will have a blue background and September 1st every year will have a red background.

Dynamic event backcolor

Optional. The name of a function in the Custom delegate library that returns a color string (e.g. 'red' or '#FF0000') to be used as the background color for a specific event type. e.g.


The event type is passed as a parameter to the function. e.g.

function geteventback(para1)
	do case
	case para1 = "UK Bank Holiday"
		return 'red'
	case para1 = "US Public Holiday"
		return 'pink'
	otherwise // all other event types
		return 'white'

Note that event type / color pairs can also be specified in the Event type choices as described above.

Dynamic event forecolor

Optional. The name of a function in the Custom delegate library that returns a color string (e.g. 'red' or '#FF0000') to be used as the foreground color for a specific event type. e.g.


The event type is passed as a parameter to the function. e.g.

function geteventfore(para1)
	do case
	case para1 = "UK Bank Holiday"
		return 'pink'
	case para1 = "US Public Holiday"
		return 'white'
	otherwise // all other event types
		return 'black'

Note that event type / color pairs can also be specified in the Event type choices as described above.

Custom delegate library

Optional, required if the Dynamic day and even color functions are specified. The name of a custom library file (Lianja/VFP prg) containing the day and event dynamic color delegates. Clicking the [...] button will create a file in the App and open it in the Script Editor in the Apps workspace. e.g.



Optional. A valid filter expression that will be used in a SQL SELECT statement to restrict the records displayed in the calendar. e.g.

eventtitle="US Public Holiday" or eventtitle='UK Bank Holiday'

Notes on Client Support

Attribute Notes
Default view
Event type column
Event type choices
Event title column
Event start column
Event end column
Event repeat column
Event allday column
Event key column
Event type value
Other options
Click delegate
Dynamic day backcolor
Dynamic event backcolor
Dynamic event forecolor
Custom delegate library