Treeview Gadget Attributes

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Revision as of 06:25, 17 May 2016 by Yvonne.milne (Talk | contribs)

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Attribute Description
Name The name for this gadget (unique to the section)
Meta types A comma separated list of metatype names
Type The type of control: Gadget (readonly)
Gadget type The type of gadget: treeview (readonly)
Margin Margin size around the gadget
Fixed width Fix the gadget width (True | False)
Fixed height Fix the gadget height (True | False)
Inline Render the gadget inline rather than it its own column (True | False)
Stretch width Auto stretch the width of the gadget into the width of the section (True | False)


Attribute Description
Absolute Enable or disable absolute positioning (True | False)
Top Top position in pixels
Left Left position in pixels
Width Width in pixels
Height Height in pixels
CSS style CSS style (separate attributes with ; or use app:/filename.css)


Attribute Description
Caption The caption for the gadget
Background color The background color for the caption
Foreground color The foreground color for the caption
Font The font for the caption
Icon The image for the caption (png | jpg | gif).
Use app:/imagename.ext for app specific images.
Border width The caption border width
Border color The caption border color
Transparency Specify a transparency percentage from 0 to 100
Gradient colors Render the caption color as a gradient (True | False)
Gradient type Specify the gradient type
Gradient start color Gradient start color
Gradient end color Gradient end color


Attribute Description
Tree items A list of items to display in the Tree, e.g.
Static list of choices:
Dynamic list of choices from a table:
Dynamic list of choices from a table (SQL SELECT):
select expression from tablename
Columns to group by The number of columns to group by to form the tree hierarchy. When grouping data, use a SQL SELECT ORDER BY clause.
Selection column The column to substitute into the Click/DblClick delegate. Use {} in the delegate where you want the text from this column to be placed.
CSS style CSS style for the gadget (separate attributes with ; or use app:/filename.css)
Column icons A comma separated list of column icons.
Hide column headers Hide the column headers (True | False)
Row height Row height for the Tree items
Font size Font size for the Tree items
Expand all Expand all Tree items when first loaded (True | False)
Expand depth Expand all Tree items when first loaded to this depth
Show indicators Show expand/collapse indicators in the tree (True | False)
Background color The background color for the gadget
Foreground color The foreground color for the gadget

Other Options

Attribute Description
Hide header Hide gadget header at runtime (True | False)

Custom Delegates

Attribute Description
Init The delegate for the Init event
Load The delegate for the Load event
Ready The delegate for the Ready event
Click The delegate for the item Clicked event
Double Click The delegate for the item Double Clicked event

Permissions and Roles

Attribute Description
Read roles A comma separated list of roles that can read (and view) the data
Update roles A comma separated list of roles that can perform update operations on the data

UI Presentation Rules

Attribute Description
Desktop Include this gadget in a Desktop client (True | False).
Web Include this gadget in a Web client (True | False).
Tablet Include this gadget in a Tablet client (True | False).
Phone Include this gadget in a Phone client (True | False).
UI States UI states that affect this gadget. Specify multiple states as a comma separated list.
Initial UI state The initial UI state for this gadget.
Readonly when Gadget is readonly at runtime if specified expression evaluates to true.
Visible when Gadget is visible at runtime if specified expression evaluates to true.
Display orientation Display depending on mobile device orientation for Tablets and Phones. (Always | Portrait | Landscape)
Apply rules on change Apply UI presentation rules (Visible when and Readonly when) when data is changed interactively or when navigating records (True | False).