Advanced Canvas Control Attributes

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Attribute Description
Name The name for this field (unique to the section)
Meta types A comma separated list of metatype names
Type The type of control: field (readonly)


Attribute Description
Top Top position in pixels
Left Left position in pixels
Width Width in pixels
Height Height in pixels
Background widget Lower this widget underneath as a background widget (True | False)


Attribute Description
CSS style CSS style (separate attributes with ; or use app:/filename.css)
Caption position The position of the caption (None | Above | Beside | RightToLeft)
Caption size The size of the caption (Small | Medium | Large | Largest)
Caption width The width of the caption in pixels.
Shading The shading to be applied to the field (None | Light | Dark)
Transparency The transparency type to be applied to the field (None | Light | Dark | Custom)
Border-radius Specify a border radius


Attribute Description
Show caption Show the caption for the field (True | False)
Caption The caption for the field
Background color The background color for the caption
Foreground color The foreground color for the caption
Font The font for the caption
Icon The image for the caption (png | jpg | gif).
Use app:/imagename.ext for app specific images.
Border width The caption border width
Border color The caption border color
Transparency Specify a transparency percentage from 0 to 100
Gradient colors Render the caption color as a gradient (True | False)
Gradient type Specify the gradient type
Gradient start color Gradient start color
Gradient end color Gradient end color


Attribute Description
Inherit dictionary rules Inherit the data dictionary rules (True | False)
Data source The table and column that this field is bound to. Specify m.varname to bind to a memory variable.
Tab order The tab order for this field.
Search field* This field is its Section Search field (True | False)
Default search field* This field is its Section default search field (True | False)
User selectable search field* The user can select this as the Section search field interactively by clicking on it (True | False)
Hide search field indicator* Hide the search field indicator (True | False)
Search panel field* Include this field in an auto created Section search panel (True | False)
Relate on change* Relate child Sections when data is changed interactively (True | False)
Recalculate* Recalculate readonly and calculated fields when data is changed interactively (True | False)
Background color The background color for the data
Foreground color The foreground color for the data
Font The font for the data
Data size The size of the data (Small | Medium | Large | Largest)
Default Default value as an expression, e.g. date(), 0.0, space(10)
Input mask type* The inputmask type (Custom | Currency | Date | Email Address | Number | Text | Time | Alphabetic | Upper Case | Upper Case Alphabetic)
Input mask* The inputmask for the field, e.g. @c2, @c4, @!, @^, 999,999.99 or ?regularexpression
Placeholder text* Text to display as grayed-out placeholder text when the field is empty and does not have focus
Password input* Echo characters input as * for entering passwords (True | False)
Return tabs* Treat the return key as a Tab on this field (True | False)
Mandatory input* Data must be entered in this field (True | False)
Choices* Restrict data input to a list of choices, e.g.
Static list of choices:
Dynamic list of choices from a table:
Dynamic list of choices from a table (SQL SELECT):
select expression from tablename
Validation* Data input validation expression.
Note the use of {}, which is substituted with the current data entered, e.g.
Contained in a list:
Lookup the value entered in a table:
Error message* The error message to display if data input validation fails
Tooltip* The tooltip to display
Hyperlink* Display as a hyperlink (True | False)
Text alignment* Text alignment (Left | Center | Right)
Autosuggestions* Autosuggest a list of values as the user types, e.g.
Static list of choices:
Dynamic list of choices from a table:
Dynamic list of choices from a table (SQL SELECT):
select expression from tablename
Autosuggestion headers* A comma separated list of column headers to display for the Autosuggestions
Autosuggestion column to search* The column to search for Autosuggestions
Context Menu* The context menu to popup when a user right-clicks on the field. Specify this as a comma separated list.
Editable The data is editable (True|False)
Dialog button* The control has a dialog button that can be clicked to call the DialogButtonClicked delegate (True|False)
Dialog button delegate* The delegate for the DialogButtonClicked event
Get data mapping Custom data mapping when reading data. Specify this as an expression.
Set data mapping Custom data mapping when writing data. Specify this as an expression.
Help topic The help topic to display for this field when F1 is pressed.
Custom attributes A semicolon separated list of custom attributes which can be used in CSS selectors, e.g.
You should reference these attributes as user_xxx from any delegates or in any custom CSS theming.

Custom Delegates

Attribute Description
Default Action* The default action for this control. For CommandButtons this will be performed on a Click event. For other applicable controls, it will be performed on the Change event.
Init The delegate for the Init event
Load The delegate for the Load event
Ready The delegate for the Ready event
Activate** The delegate for the Activate event
Deactivate** The delegate for the Deactivate event
Enabled When** The delegate for the EnabledWhen event
Visible When** The delegate for the VisibleWhen event
Click** The delegate for the Click event.
Link Click** The delegate for the LinkClicked event.
After Row Change** The delegate for the AfterRowChange event.
Destroy** The delegate for the Destroy event.
Double Click** The delegate for the dblClick event.
Got Focus** The delegate for the GotFocus event.
Interactive Change** The delegate for the InteractiveChange event. This is called after each key is pressed.
Change** The delegate for the Changed event. This is called when the Enter key or the Tab key are pressed.
Data Changed** The delegate for the dataChanged event. This is called when navigating between records.
Hotkey** The delegate for the Hotkey event (e.g. F1-F10, Ctrl+F1). The key is passed as a parameter, e.g. 'F2'.
Lost Focus** The delegate for the LostFocus event
Middle Click** The delegate for the MiddleClick event
Mouse Enter** The delegate for the MouseEnter event
Mouse Leave** The delegate for the MouseLeave event
Mouse Down** The delegate for the MouseDown event
Mouse Up** The delegate for the MouseUp event
Mouse Move** The delegate for the MouseMove event
Resize** The delegate for the Resize event
Right Click** The delegate for the RightClick event
Unload** The delegate for the Unload event
Context Menu** The delegate for the Context Menu event
Timer** The delegate for the Timer event
Timer interval** The timer interval in seconds that the Timer event will be called at runtime

Permissions and Roles

Attribute Description
Read roles A comma separated list of roles that can read (and view) the data
Update roles A comma separated list of roles that can perform update operations on the data

UI Presentation Rules

Attribute Description
Desktop Include this formitem in a Desktop client (True | False).
Web Include this formitem in a Web client (True | False).
Tablet Include this formitem in a Tablet client (True | False).
Phone Include this formitem in a Phone client (True | False).
UI States UI states that affect this formitem. Specify multiple states as a comma separated list.
Initial UI state The initial UI state for this formitem.
Readonly when Formitem is readonly at runtime if specified expression evaluates to true.
Visible when Formitem is visible at runtime if specified expression evaluates to true.
Display orientation Display depending on mobile device orientation for Tablets and Phones. (Always | Portrait | Landscape)
Apply rules on change Apply UI presentation rules (Visible when and Readonly when) when data is changed interactively or when navigating records (True | False).

Web/Mobile App Support

Control Supported in Web/Mobile Apps
ActiveX No
CheckBox Yes
ComboBox Yes
CommandButton Yes
Date TextBox Yes
DateTime TextBox Yes
EditBox Yes
Hyperlink Yes
Image No (Image Gadget in a Form Section is supported)
Label Yes
LCDnumber No
ListBox No
Numeric TextBox Yes
OptionButton No
OptionGroup No
Progress Bar No
Rich Text Editor No (EditBox is supported)
Separator Yes
Slider No
Spinner Yes
Subtitle No
TextBox Yes
TreeGrid No
WebView No
* Attributes marked with an asterisk are not applicable to all Advanced Canvas Controls.
** Custom Delegates marked with a double asterisk are not applicable to all Advanced Canvas Controls.
   See Advanced Canvas Control Custom Delegates for details.