Difference between revisions of "Custom Delegates"

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The default action for this control.  For CommandButtons this will be performed on a Click event.  For all other controls, it will be performed on the Change event.
The default action for this control.  For CommandButtons this will be performed on a Click event.  For all other controls, it will be performed on the Change event.
Advanced Canvas Controls delegate.
* Advanced Canvas Controls delegate.
Lianja/VFP scripting in Desktop Client only.
* Lianja/VFP scripting in Desktop Client only.

Revision as of 10:01, 23 February 2016

Under Construction


Custom Delegates


The delegate for the Activate event.

After Data Changed

The delegate for the Changed event (after data is read).

After Data Create

The delegate for the AfterCreated event.

After Data Delete

The delegate for the AfterDelete event.

After Data Update

The delegate for the AfterUpdate event.

After Row Change

The delegate for the AfterRowChange event.

Advanced Canvas Controls delegate.

Before Data Create

The delegate for the BeforeCreated event.

Before Data Delete

The delegate for the BeforeDelete event.

Before Data Update

The delegate for the BeforeUpdate event.


The delegate for the Change event.


The delegate for the Click event.


The delegate for the Collapsed event.

Context Menu

The delegate for the Context Menu event.

Custom footer menu

The delegate for the footer menu event.

See Section Footers

Custom library

The filename of the library containing code for event handlers and custom procedures/functions.

Custom search command

The delegate for the search event.

Custom section menu

The delegate for the section menu event.

See Section Menus

Data Changed

The delegate for the DataChanged event. This is called when navigating between records.


The delegate for the Deactivate event.

Default Action

The default action for this control. For CommandButtons this will be performed on a Click event. For all other controls, it will be performed on the Change event.

  • Advanced Canvas Controls delegate.
  • Lianja/VFP scripting in Desktop Client only.


The delegate for the Destroy event.

Dialog button delegate

The delegate for the DialogButtonClicked event. If a dialogbutton on a Field has no delegate, the Section delegate will be called. If the section has no delegate, then the Page delegate will be called.

Double click

The delegate for the row DoubleClicked event.

Enabled When

The delegate for the EnabledWhen event.


The delegate for the Expanded event.


The catch all delegate for the Gestures event.

Got Focus

The delegate for the GotFocus event.


The delegate for the Hotkey event, e.g. F1 - F10, Ctrl+F1.

The key is passed as a parameter, e.g. "F1".


The delegate for the Inactive event.

App delegate.

Inactive interval

The interval in seconds that the Inactive delegate will be called at runtime.


The delegate for the Init event.

Interactive Change

The delegate for the InteractiveChange event. This is called after each key is pressed.

Instant Search

The delegate for the Instant Search event. The text typed in the searchbox is passed as a parameter.

Page delegate.

Link Click

The delegate for the Hyperlink/Button Click event.

This is called with two arguments: functionname(controlsource,text).


The delegate for the Load event.

Lost Focus

The delegate for the LostFocus event.

Middle Click

The delegate for the MiddleClick event.

Mouse Down

The delegate for the MouseDown event.

Mouse Enter

The delegate for the MouseEnter event.

Mouse Leave

The delegate for the MouseLeave event.

Mouse Move

The delegate for the MouseMove event.

Mouse Up

The delegate for the MouseUp event.

Pan gesture

The Pan gesture delegate.

Parent data changed

The delegate for the ParentDataChanged event.

Pinch gesture

The Pinch gesture delegate.


The delegate for the Ready event.


The delegate for the Refresh event.


The delegate for the Resize event.

Advanced Canvas Controls delegate.


The delegate for the Resized event.

Canvas Section delegate.

Scripting language

The default scripting language for custom code in this section (Inherit | Recital | Visual FoxPro | Python | JavaScript | PHP).

Selection Changed

The delegate for the Selection Changed event (for multi row selection).


The delegate for the column Sort event fired when the header is clicked. This is called with two arguments: nColumn, nDirection.

Grid Section and Grid Gadget delegate.

Swipe down gesture

The Swipe Down gesture delegate.

Swipe left gesture

The Swipe Left gesture delegate.

Swipe right gesture

The Swipe Right gesture delegate.

Swipe up gesture

The Swipe Up gesture delegate.

Tap gesture

The Tap gesture delegate.

Tap and hold gesture

The Tap and Hold gesture delegate.


The delegate for the Timer event.

Timer interval

The timer interval in seconds that the Timer event will be called at runtime.


The delegate for the Unload event.

Valid When

The delegate for the ValidWhen event.

Visible When

The delegate for the VisibleWhen event.

Event Sequences

Loading an App

  • Init
  • Load
  • DataChanged
  • ParentDataChanged
  • Refresh
  • VisibleWhen (Runtime only)
  • EnabledWhen (Runtime only)
  • Ready
  • Resized (Canvas Section)
  • Activate

For more details see Event Delegate Sequences: Opening an App

Closing an App

  • Unload
  • Destroy

For more details see Event Delegate Sequences: Closing an App


Data Operations

  • Editing an existing record
  • Adding a new record
  • Deleting a record

Other Delegates


Dynamic tile producer

The dynamic tile producer used to update the dynamic tile in the App Center. This can be a procedure or a URL.

Session data changed

The delegate for the Session Data Changed event

Calendar Section

Click delegate

Delegate to call when a calendar event is clicked.

See Calendar Section Options: Click delegate.

Custom delegate library

Custom library containing the day and event dynamic color delegates.

See Calendar Section Options: Custom delegate library.

Dynamic day backcolor

Delegate to return the background colors and dates. You should return this as a comma separated list. The delegate is called with one parameter: 'dates' or 'colors'. The currently selected cursor contains the selected records.

See Calendar Section Options: Dynamic day backcolor.

Dynamic event backcolor

Delegate to return the background color of the event for the specified event type, which is passed as a parameter.

See Calendar Section Options: Dynamic event backcolor.

Dynamic event forecolor

Delegate to return the foreground color of the event for the specified event type, which is passed as a parameter.

See Calendar Section Options: Dynamic event forecolor.

CatalogView Section

Caption delegate

The inline delegate to invoke when the caption is clicked.

See Caption Attributes

Custom library

Custom library containing the Tile producer delegate.

See Extension Attributes

Read more delegate

The inline delegate to invoke when the 'Read more' link is clicked. Alternatively, the 'Click' delegate can be used.

See Details Attributes

Tile producer

Delegate to call to render a custom tile. This should just output the HTML.

See Extension Attributes

Charts Section and Charts Gadget


An optional delegate to be called when segments of the chart are selected. By default the 'tooltip' for the segment selected will be used as a search key in any child sections.

GalleryView Section

Custom library

Custom library containing the Tile producer and Content producer delegates.

See GalleryView Section: Custom library

Content producer

Delegate to call to render the content. This should just output the HTML.

See GalleryView Section: Content producer

Tile producer

Delegate to call to render a custom tile. This should just output the HTML.

See GalleryView Section: Tile producer

Navigation Panel

Add delegate

Specify a delegate to call when the 'Add' icon is clicked.

Note that you can use an 'inline' delegate like this: $("section:yoursectionid?action=add")

Delete delegate

Specify a delegate to call when the 'Delete' icon is clicked.

Note that you can use an 'inline' delegate like this: $("section:yoursectionid?action=delete")

Selection delegate

Specify a delegate to call when a row is clicked.

Note that you can use an 'inline' delegate like this: $("section:yoursectionid?action=search&text={}").

Notice how {} is used to substitute the value of the item selected.

Org Chart Section

Custom delegate library

Custom library containing the dynamic color delegates.

See Org Chart Options: Custom delegate library

Search Panel

Custom search panel

The delegate used to create the custom search panel.

See Custom search panel

WebView Section

Also applies to Report Sections.

Delegate script

Delegate script name to be called when hyperlink is clicked (URL is passed as character string).

Inline Delegates