Working With Date and Time Data in Lianja

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Working With Date and Time Data in Recital

Certain set commands change the date format:

  • set century - enable or disable inclusion of the century
set century on | off
set date [to] american | ansi | british | dmy | french | german | iso | italian | japan | mdy | usa | ymd
  • set epoch - specify a one hundred-year epoch to allow for two digit years
set epoch to <start-year as numeric>
  • set mark - specify the separator character in dates
set mark to [<separator as character>]

Date and Time Conversion Functions

  • ctod() - perform character to date conversion
date = ctod(string as character)
  • ctot() - perform character to datetime conversion
datetime = ctot(string as character)
  • date() - perform numeric year, month , day to date conversion
date = date(year as numeric, month as numeric, day as numeric)
  • datetime() - perform numeric year, month, day to datetime conversion
datetime = datetime(year as numeric, month as numeric, day as numeric)
  • days() - perform numeric seconds to numeric whole days conversion
numeric = days(seconds as numeric)
  • dmy() - perform date to character (DMY) conversion
string = dmy(date as date)
  • dtoc() - perform date to character conversion
string = dtoc(date as date)
  • dtom() - perform date to string (DD-Mmm-YYYY) conversion
string = dtom(date as date)
  • dtos() - perform date to string conversion
string = dtos(date as date)
  • mdy() - perform date to character (MDY) conversion
string = mdy(date as date)
  • mtod() - perform string (DD-Mmm-YYYY) to date conversion
date = mtod(string as character)
  • stod() - perform string to date conversion
date = stod(string as character)
  • tstring() - perform numeric seconds to time string conversion
string = tstring(seconds as numeric)
  • ttoc() - perform datetime to string conversion
string = ttoc(datetime as datetime)
  • ttod() - perform datetime to date conversion
date = ttod(datetime as datetime)

Miscellaneous Date and Time Functions

  • ampm() - return 12-hour clock time as a character string followed by "am" or "pm"
character = ampm()
  • cdow() - return the character day of week from a date or datetime
character = cdow(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • cmonth() - return the character month from a date or datetime
character = cmonth(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • date() - return the system date as a date
date = date()
  • datetime() - return the system date and time as a datetime
datetime = datetime()
  • day() - return the numeric day of the month from a date or datetime
numeric = day(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • dow() - return the numeric day of the week from a date or datetime
numeric = dow(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • elaptime() - return time difference between two time strings as a time string
character = elaptime(start-time as character | end-time as character)
numeric = epoch()
  • gomonth() - return a date a specified number of months before or after a date or datetime
date = gomonth(date as date, months as numeric)
  • hour() - return the numeric hours from a datetime
numeric = hour(datetime as datetime)
  • hours() - return the numeric hours from a time string
numeric = hours(time as character)
  • minute() - return the numeric minutes from a datetime
numeric = minute(datetime as datetime)
  • minutes() - return the numeric minutes from a time string
numeric = minutes(time as character)
  • month() - return the numeric month from a date or datetime
numeric = month(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • quarter() - return the numeric year quarter from a date or datetime
numeric = quarter(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • sec() - return the numeric seconds from a datetime
numeric = sec(datetime as datetime)
  • seconds() - return the numeric seconds from the current time or a time string
numeric = seconds([time as character])
  • secs() - return the numeric seconds from a time string
numeric = minutes(time as character)
  • time() - return the system time as a time string
character = time([include-hundredths as numeric])
character = timeofday([format as numeric])
character = timestamp([format as numeric])
logical = validtime(time as character)
  • week() - return the numeric week from a date or datetime
numeric = week(date as date | datetime as datetime)
  • year() - return the numeric year from a specified date or datetime
numeric = year(date as date | datetime as datetime)