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WAIT EVENTS halts execution until a CLEAR EVENTS command is executed from an asynchronous delegate such as a websocket.
WAIT EVENTS suspends execution until a CLEAR EVENTS command is executed from an asynchronous delegate such as a websocket.

Latest revision as of 04:34, 17 October 2021


Suspend program execution pending a key press or mouse-click or CLEAR EVENTS command.


WAIT [<expC>]




[TO <memvar>]

[TIMEOUT <expN>]



See Also

INPUTEVENTS(), Lianja System Object, MESSAGEBOX()


The WAIT command displays the specified prompt <expC> on the screen and suspends program execution until a key is pressed or mouse is clicked. If no <expC> is specified, then "Click Ok to continue" is displayed. The key that is read from the keyboard is not echoed.


The CLEAR keyword will remove a system window or window message when the WAIT command is called from a program.


The NOCLEAR keyword is included for syntax compatibility only.


The NOWAIT keyword will display the message but not require user input to continue execution.


The TIMEOUT clause lets you specify the number of seconds, <expN>, the message will remain on the screen before the program execution continues.

TO <memvar>

Syntax only.


The WINDOW keyword will cause the message to be displayed in the system message window.


WAIT EVENTS suspends execution until a CLEAR EVENTS command is executed from an asynchronous delegate such as a websocket.


wait "Click to continue"