OData URIs

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See Also

OData Operators, ODATA_CREATE(), ODATA_DELETE(), ODATA_READ(), ODATA_UPDATE(), Working with JSON and JQL,Working with OData in Lianja Cloud Server

OData URIs

Lianja Cloud Server

When used with the Lianja Cloud Server, the URI is formed as follows:




Or, if the Lianja Server is listening on port 80 or the ISAPI Extension for IIS is installed:


When using the $sql argument, the URI does not include a table reference:

<server>/odata/<database>?$sql=<sql statement>


http://localhost:8001/odata/southwind?$sql=select * from shippers

Note: the OData Read and Update services can be enabled/disabled in the Lianja Server Manager Security Settings.

OData Functions

When using the OData Functions from the Lianja App Builder Console or from a Lianja/VFP program (.prg), Lianja/VFP Server Page (.rsp) or JavaScript Server Page (.jssp), the URI is formed as follows:




When using the $sql argument, the URI does not include a table reference:

/<database>?$sql=<sql statement>


odata_read("/southwind?$sql=select * from shippers order by companyname")

Value Selector

URIs can include a 'value selector' on the table.



The OData server will use heuristics to determine the column that 'A*' is referring to in the 'customers' table. If the column customersid exists it will be used, if that does not exist and the table is a 'collection' i.e. ends with an 's', the 's' will be removed and the column customerid will be looked up.

The column can also be specified, for example to select all customers where the 'contactname' starts with 'A':

http://localhost/odata/southwind/customers('A*', contactname)
odata_read("/southwind/customers('A*', contactname)")

The $nostrcompare argument can also be used to disable exact matching:

http://localhost/odata/southwind/customers('A', contactname)?$nostrcompare
odata_read("/southwind/customers('A', contactname)?$nostrcompare")


The following URI arguments are available:

Argument Description Example
$callback Specify a callback function that will wrap the data returned.
This is used with JSONP calls to bypass SOP issues in the browser
$count Don't return any data just tell me how many records would have been selected $count
$filter Selects only those records that match the specified filter $filter=contactname eq 'A' and amount gt 0
$format The output format $format=ado
$metadata Returns metadata describing the columns in the table; name, type, width and decimals. $metadata
$nocount Don't return the __count member which details the total number of rows that match the query.
This improves performance on Virtual Tables
$nostrcompare Disable exact matching. Comparisons are carried out up to the length of the left-hand expression, e.g. 'A' = 'ALFKI'. $nostrcompare
$orderby Specify a column or expression that the data should be ordered by $orderby=contactname
$rowid Add the unique rowid into the output ( __rowid ) which can be used to update data later $rowid
$select Selects only the specified columns (or expressions) $select=customerid,contactname
$skip Skips a number of selected records $skip=50
$sql Evaluate a SQL SELECT statement directly and return the results. $sql=select * from customers
$top Selects the specified number of records $top=10