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Note: property, method and event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.


This class supports the Common Properties plus the following:

Property Access (R/RW) Value Description
WindowState RW Numeric Window state: 0 = normal, 1 = minimized, 2 = maximized, 3 = fullscreen/kiosk
WindowType RW Numeric Window type: 0 = modeless, 1 = modal
Caption RW Character Text displayed in caption
CurrentX RW Numeric Current x coordinate for the next drawing method
CurrentY RW Numeric Current y coordinate for the next drawing method
AutoCenter RW Boolean Whether form is autocentered
Picture RW Character Filename of background image
Closable RW Boolean Whether form is closable
Statusbar RW Boolean Whether form has a statusbar
Message RW Character Text displayed in statusbar
AlwaysOnTop RW Boolean Whether form should always be on top
AlwaysOnBottom RW Boolean Whether form should always be on the bottom
ShowTips RW Boolean Whether tooltips are shown for controls in the form
MinButton RW Boolean Whether form has a minimize button
MaxButton RW Boolean Whether form has a maximize button
Titlebar RW Boolean Whether form has a titlebar
Actionbar RW Boolean Whether form has an actionbar
BufferMode RW Numeric Buffer mode
MousePointer RW Numeric Mouse pointer: 0 = arrow, 1 = arrow, 2 = cross, 3 = I-beam, 5 = size, 6 = NE/SW, 7 = size N/S, 8 = size NW/SE, 9 = size W/E, 10 = up arrow, 12 = no drop, 15 = pointing hand
KeyPreview RW Boolean Whether keypreview is enabled
ExitOnClose RW Boolean Whether to exit session on closing form
Scrollbars RW Numeric Scrollbars: 0 = none, 1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical, 3 = both
ControlCount R Numeric Number of controls in form
FillStyle RW Numeric Fill style setting
FillColor RW Numeric or Character Fill color
DrawWidth RW Numeric Line width in pixels for draw operations


This class supports the Common Methods plus the following:

Method Args Description
AddObject existing as Object | newobject as Character, class as Character Add an existing object or a new object, in which case the object's class must also be specified
RemoveObject existing as Object Remove the specified object
TextHeight None Return current text height setting in pixels
TextWidth text as Character Return pixels required to display specified text
Controls control as Numeric Return an object reference to the specified control within the form
Clear None Clear the form
Print text as Character Print the specified text in the form
Draw None Repaint form
Line x as Numeric, y as Numeric[, x2 as Numeric, y2 as Numeric] Draw a line from currentx, currenty to x, y. If x2 and y2 are specified, draw a line from x, y to x2, y2
Box x as Numeric, y as Numeric[, x2 as Numeric, y2 as Numeric] Draw a box from currentx, currenty to x, y. If x2 and y2 are specified, draw a box from x, y to x2, y2
Circle radius as Numeric[, x as Numeric, y as Numeric] Draw a circle with the specified radius at currentx, currenty. If x and y are specified, draw the circle at x, y
Release None Release form


This class supports the Common Events plus the following:

Event Args Description
load None Occurs before form is activated