Category:Set Commands

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The SET commands are primarily used to control the execution environment of Lianja scripts.


Set commands can be placed in a config.db file to be applied to Lianja App Builder and Lianja App Center sessions.

Lianja App Builder

The text config.db file should be created in the following location:

OS Location
Windows C:\lianja\conf
Linux /opt/lianja/conf
macOS /Users/Shared/Lianja/conf

Lianja App Center

For the Lianja App Center desktop client, the config.db file should be compiled to

To compile, use the COMPILE command or the lianja-comp command line tool.

Both the config.db and file should be deployed to the following location:

OS Location
Windows C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\conf
Linux /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/conf
macOS /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/conf