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Convert a codepage encoded App, database, file or table to its UTF-8 equivalent


CONVERTUTF8 APP <app-name> | DATABASE <database-name> | FILE <file-name> | TABLE <table-name> [CODEPAGE <cp-id>]

See Also

STRCONV(), Command Line Switches


The CONVERTUTF8 command converts a codepage encoded App, database, file or table to its UTF-8 equivalent. Specify the type of file to be converted. CONVERTUTF8 APP looks for the App <app-name> in the current Apps directory. CONVERTUTF8 DATABASE looks for the database <database-name> in the current data directory. CONVERTUTF8 FILE looks for the <file-name> in the current directory (include the file extension) or specified location if the full path is included. CONVERTUTF8 TABLE looks for the table <table-name> in the currently open database then, if not found, in the current directory.

The source codepage can be optionally specified using CODEPAGE <cp-id>, where <cp-id> is the numeric or character string codepage id. If not specified, "Windows-1250" is assumed.

The conversion process overwrites the original file, so it is recommended that a backup is made prior to conversion.

Introduced in Lianja v2.0.0.


convertutf8 app myapp
convertutf8 database mydatabase
convertutf8 table mytable 
convertutf8 file mygreekfile.txt codepage "Windows-1253"
convertutf8 file mygreekfile.txt codepage 1253