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Update the value in an array




#include "lianjaapi.h"
int	ARRAY_UPDATE(arrayname, element, type, width, decimal, string, number, logical, date, datetime, currency)
<input parameters>
char                        *arrayname;	/* Address of a buffer containing the name of an array	*/
int                           element;		/* Element number							                        */
char                        type;		/* Type of field								*/
int                           width;		/* Display width								*/
int                           decimal;		/* Display # decimals							*/
char                        string;		/* Address of a buffer containing a character string		*/
double                    *number;	/* Number									*/
char                        logical;		/* Logical									*/
unsigned long      date;		/* date								*/
DATETIME             datetime;	/* datetime							*/
CURRENCY            currency;	/* currency								*/
<output parameters>


The ARRAY_UPDATE() function will update the specified element in the array. The name and element number are used to specify the array element to update

Only the first ten characters of a array name will be recognized as being unique. The array names are not case sensitive and must have been previously defined before updating, or the ARRAY_UPDATE() function will return a value of -1.

NOTE: array elements start at 1 and not 0 as in 'C'.

Array elements can be updated with data of a different type to their current value. The variable type parameter specifies both the data type and which input parameter value will be used to update the memory variable.

The width parameter is used to specify length of the array element. A decimal place can be specified for a number, but should be 0 for other data types.

An array element can be defined as any one of the following.

C info_character 1 - 8192 address of a buffer containing a character string
D info_date 8 unsigned long representing a Date
L info_logical 1 character of either 'T' for true or 'F' for false
N info_number 1 - 16 a value stored in a double
T info_datetime sizeof(DATETIME) RCT_DATETIME_DEF structure
Y info_currency sizeof(CURRENCY) RCT_CURRENCY_DEF structure


The following example will define a six element array and update each array element with the specified values.

#include "lianjaapi.h"
    int			rc;
    double		numeric;
    char			string[8];
    char			logical;
    unsigned long	date;
    DATETIME		datetime;
    CURRENCY		currency;
    strcpy (string, "Tuesday");
    date = DATE_CTOD(DATE_DATE());
    logical = 'T';
    numeric = 23.5;
    memcpy(&datetime, DATE_STOT(DATE_DATETIME()), sizeof(DATETIME));
    memcpy(&currency, CURR_STOY("364.984"), sizeof(CURRENCY));
    COMMAND("release all");
    ARRAY_DEFINE("memvar", API_PUBLIC, 6,1);
    rc = ARRAY_UPDATE("memvar",1, 'C',7,0,
       string, numeric,
       logical, date, 
       datetime, currency);
    rc = ARRAY_UPDATE("memvar",2, 'N',10,2,
       string, numeric,
       logical, date, 
       datetime, currency);
    rc = ARRAY_UPDATE("memvar",3, 'L',1,0,
       string, numeric,
       logical, date, 
       datetime, currency);
    rc = ARRAY_UPDATE("memvar",4, 'D',8,0,
       string, numeric,
       logical, date, 
       datetime, currency);
    rc = ARRAY_UPDATE("memvar",5,'T',sizeof(DATETIME),0,
       string, numeric,
       logical, date, 
       datetime, currency);
    rc = ARRAY_UPDATE("memvar",6, 'Y',sizeof(CURRENCY),4,
       string, numeric,
       logical, date, 
       datetime, currency);
    _retl( (rc ==0) ? 1 : 0 );