Lianja Server Manager on Windows

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The Lianja SQL Server Manager allows you to:

  • Control the Lianja SQL Server service
  • Configure the Lianja SQL Server settings
  • Manage background scripts running via Lianja SQL Server

User Account Control

If you have User Account Control enabled, please click Yes on the UAC dialog displayed when you run the Lianja SQL Server Manager. On Windows XP, please run the Lianja SQL Server Manager as the Administrator.

Service Manager

Service Manager tab

The Service Manager tab allows you to Start, Pause, Stop and Restart the Lianja SQL Server service. Pausing the service has no effect on existing connections, but prevents further connections to the server being made. To resume normal service after a Pause, click the Start/Continue button. Checking the Auto-start service box ensures that the Lianja SQL Server service will be restarted when the machine is rebooted.

The current status of the Lianja SQL Server is shown in the status bar.