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Save the current memory variables to a file


SAVE TO <.mem filename> | (<exp>)

[ALL LIKE <skeleton>]

[ALL EXCEPT <skeleton>]


See Also



The SAVE command saves all of the memory variables and arrays to an ASCII text file <.mem filename>. The filename can be substituted with an <expC>, enclosed in round brackets, which returns a valid filename. If no file extension is specified, then the Lianja/4GL uses '.mem'. By default, all memory variables are saved unless the ALL LIKE or ALL EXCEPT clauses are specified. The <skeleton> takes the normal rules of '?' matching any single character and '*' matching zero or more characters.

The saved file is a normal ASCII text file, which can be edited using MODIFY COMMAND. The contents of this file consist of a series of STORE commands that give details of the value of the memory variable when it was saved. The memory variables can be restored from the file using the RESTORE command. Whenever an error is detected in a program file, the Lianja/4GL automatically saves the state of all the current memory variables in the file 'error.mem'. This file also contains the same information that is displayed with the DISPLAY STATUS command.

If the FOXPRO keyword is specified, the memory files are created as FoxPro style binary files.


save to monday all like mon_*
save to others all except mon_*