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Note: property, method and event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.


This class supports the following properties:

Property Access (R/RW) Value Description
baudrate RW Numeric The baudrate
breakenabled RW Logical The breakenabled state.
databits RW Numeric The number of databits
stopbits RW Numeric The number of stopbits
parity RW Numeric The parity bits
flowcontrol RW Numeric The flowcontrol.
portname RW character The portname e.g com3
dataterminalready RW Logical The DTR state.
requesttosend RW Logical The RTS state


This class supports the following methods:

Method Args Description
Open None Open the serial port specified in portname


This class supports the the following events:

Event Args Description
dataavailable None Occurs when data is available