Deploying to Local Directory v6

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This page explains how to deploy your Lianja Apps, databases and Library and other shared files to make them available to the Lianja App Center, Lianja Cloud Server or Lianja SQL Server on the same machine.

Desktop Apps


Desktop Apps need to be published so that they will appear in the Lianja App Center.

Check the Publish attribute in the App tab of the App Inspector:

App Inspector: Publish

If the App Inspector is closed, click Settings in the Modebar then check the Publish attribute and click Done.

Settings: Publish

For information on the attributes to configure the App's Lianja App Center tile, see here.


Desktop Apps can then be deployed using Quick Deploy or in the Deploy Workspace.


If your Desktop App is in a Project, you can select the Project in the Deploy Workspace
to select all its Apps, Databases and Library and other shared files for deployment.

Web/Mobile Apps

Build mode

Web/Mobile Apps can be built for deployment in two modes: Debug (for testing) or Release.

Select the required Build mode in the App tab of the App Inspector:

App Inspector: Build mode

If the App Inspector is closed, click Settings in the Modebar, select the required Build mode then click Done.

Settings: Build mode

The Build mode can also be toggled from the Modebar itself:

Modebar: Build mode


Web/Mobile Apps are then deployed using Preview live in browser.

Databases, Library Files and any other shared files should be deployed before using Preview live in browser.


Use Quick Deploy or the Deploy Workspace to deploy databases.

Library Files

Use Quick Deploy or the Deploy Workspace to deploy Library files.

Other Files

Use Quick Deploy or the Deploy Workspace to deploy report files or other files that may be shared by multiple Apps.

Deploy Workspace

In the Deploy workspace, select the project or individual Apps, databases and files to be deployed by clicking the checkboxes.

Deploy Workspace

Then click the Commit changes toolbutton in the headerbar and confirm to deploy.

Deploy Workspace

Quick Deploy

The Quick Deploy toolbutton is available in all of the relevant workspaces. It will automatically save and restore the data session, so there is no need to close the current App or database to use Quick Deploy.


Click the Quick Deploy toolbutton in the headerbar to open the dialog.

The first step in using Quick Deploy is Setup.

Quick Deploy

Clicking the Setup button takes you into the Deploy workspace. Here you can select the databases, Apps and Library/other shared files that will be included in your deployment.

Check the box next to the files to be deployed.

Then switch back to the original workspace and reopen the Quick Deploy dialog using the toolbutton in the headerbar.

Note that while this Lianja App Builder session is running your deploy setup will remain active until you change it.

Quick Deploy


Clicking Preview will allow you to check the files and destination location of the files to be deployed.

Quick Deploy


When you are ready to deploy, click the Commit button and confirm when prompted by clicking Yes.

Then click Close.

Quick Deploy

The Clear button clears the Deployment/Build Files Preview and Deployment/Build Log output windows.

Preview live in browser

For Web and Mobile Apps, use Preview live in browser to deploy your App for your local Lianja Cloud Server. This generates the HTML5 index file, phone_index.html and tablet_index.html code and copies the App's files to the deployment path.

Once the files are generated, your default browser will be opened and you can login to view your deployed App.

Preview live in browser

Deploy your database, Library and other shared files using the Deploy Workspace before running Preview live in browser.

Default Directories

Using the standard installation settings, these are the default directories:

Lianja App Builder


Files Location
App C:\lianja\apps
Databases C:\lianja\data
Library C:\lianja\library


Files Location
App /opt/lianja/apps
Databases /opt/lianja/data
Library /opt/lianja/library


Files Location
App /Users/Shared/Lianja/apps
Databases /Users/Shared/Lianja/data
Library /Users/Shared/Lianja/library

Lianja App Center / Lianja SQL Server


Files Location
App C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\apps
Databases C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\data
Library C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\library


Files Location
App /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/apps
Databases /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/data
Library /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/library


Files Location
App /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/apps
Databases /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/data
Library /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/library

Lianja Cloud Server (Web/Mobile Apps)


Files Location
App C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\wwwroot\apps
Databases C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\data
Library C:\lianja\cloudserver\tenants\public\wwwroot\library


Files Location
App /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/wwwroot/apps
Databases /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/data
Library /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/wwwroot/library


Files Location
App /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/wwwroot/apps
Databases /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/data
Library /Users/Shared/Lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/wwwroot/library