Custom Builders

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Custom builders intercept the creation of new Apps, Pages, databases and tables to apply developer customizations.

They can be coded in the following languages:

  • Lianja (.prg)
  • Python (.py)
  • JavaScript (.js)
  • PHP (.php)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • Lianja Server Pages (.rsp)

They should be located in the builders sub-directory of the Library and are named for the target element along with the default programming language extension.


Target Filename
App C:\lianja\library\builders\app.ext
Page C:\lianja\library\builders\page.ext
Database C:\lianja\library\builders\database.ext
Table C:\lianja\library\builders\table.ext


Target Filename
App /opt/lianja/library/builders/app.ext
Page /opt/lianja/library/builders/page.ext
Database /opt/lianja/library/builders/database.ext
Table /opt/lianja/library/builders/table.ext

Custom builders can also be created for a specific project. In this case, prefix the custom builder script with the name of the project. So the Lianja script custom builder for Apps in the myproject project would be:


For example this could be used after the App Wizard completes to set some App attributes for each of the Apps created in a project.

// myproject_app.prg
Lianja.writeOutput("Creating new App using the App wizard")
// Show the wizard which is modal
// after the wizard completes the new App is open
if len(Lianja.Application) > 0
    Lianja.writeOutput(format("App {0} was created place any post create code here", Lianja.Application))
    // set attributes for all the apps created in myproject 
    Lianja.setAttr("pwa", true)

Note the use of desktop Lianja system object methods (introduced in v5.5):

Lianja.setAttr(name, value)

The corresponding method to get an attribute is also now supported.


App attribute names can be found here: App Settings.