Script Editor

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Revision as of 10:28, 31 March 2017 by Yvonne.milne (Talk | contribs)

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Under Construction

See Also

Guide to the Apps Workspace (Video), Lianja 3 App Inspector (Video)

The Lianja Script Editor

The Lianja Script Editor is used to edit all text files in the Apps and Library workspaces.


Script Editor in the Apps workspace

Panel Description
Files explorer List of files in the App or Library displayed in the App Inspector 'Apps Files' tab or in the Sidebar when the App Inspector is closed. Right-click in the panel for a context menu. New, Edit, Delete and Additional Commands are available from the actionbar at the bottom of the panel.
InfoPanel Displays introductory information for the workspace. Click the x or select 'Hide InfoPanel' from 'View' in the system menu to hide it.
Script Editor The panel for editing. Multiple files can be open at the same time, each displayed in its own tab. Double-click a tab to open the file in a floating Script Editor window and then double-click the window title bar to dock it again. Right-click in the panel for a context menu. The Find panel and Advanced panel can be displayed/hidden as required.
Help Panel Displays help information for the scripting language of the file currently being edited. Click the x to hide the panel and the ? in the Script Editor panel to show it again.

Edit a Script

Files are categorized in the Files explorer in the sidebar or App Inspector. Double-clicking a file name opens it in the Script Editor:

File Extension Category
Lianja/VFP program .prg Script Files
JavaScript file .js JavaScript Files
TypeScript file .ts TypeScript Files
PHP file .php PHP Files
Python file .py Python Files
Lianja/VFP Server Page file .rsp Lianja Server Pages
JavaScript Server Page file .jssp JavaScript Server Pages
Lianja/VFP form .scp Form Files
Lianja/VFP class library .vcp Class Files
Cascading Style Sheets file .css CSS Files
JavaScript Object Notation .json JSON Files
Hypertext Markup Language file .html HTML Files
Extensible Markup Language file .xml XML Files
Text file .txt TXT Files
Windows Command file .cmd Other Files
Conf file .conf Other Files
Include file .h Other Files
Initialization file .ini Other Files


  • Files can also be opened for editing by first selecting the file name then clicking on the edit button in the actionbar or right-clicking and selecting 'Open File' or 'Open File in Window' from the context menu.
  • Image Files are also listed in the Files explorers. Double-clicking on an image file opens it using the system default app.
  • Electron template files generated in the Electron Workspace are listed in the Apps workspace Files explorer under the Electron Files category. Double-clicking on a .html, .js or .json file name will open it in the Script Editor.

New Script

New Script

To create a new script of any of the file types listed in the table above, click the + button in the actionbar at the bottom of the Files explorer, or right-click in the Files explorer panel and click 'New ...'.

This will display the 'Create a new file' explorer in the current App directory (Apps workspace) or Lianja Library (Library workspace), allowing a file type to be selected from the pulldown and a file name to be entered.

Saving a Script

Scripts can be saved using any of the following:

System Menu-> File-> Save Save script file currently being edited.
System Menu-> File-> Save All Save all currently open script files.
[Ctrl] + s Save script file currently being edited.
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + s Save all currently open script files.
Save.png Save script file currently being edited.
Pages.png Save script file currently being edited and switch to the Pages workspace (Page Builder).

Find Panel and Advanced Panel

Find and Advanced Panels

From the Find Panel, you can position on a specific line number and do search and replace operations.

The Advanced Panel has a number of tabs providing the results of App or Library wide searches along with script and compilation output.

To hide the Find and Advanced Panels, click their x.

Press [Ctrl] + f to display the Find Panel and click 'Advanced...' to display the Advanced Panel.

Find Panel Operations

Operation Description
Goto Enter a line number then press [Return] to position on that line number. Specifying a number greater than the number of lines will position at the end of the file.
Find Enter a search value in the Find field then press [Return] or click the right arrow at the end of the Find field to position on the next occurrence of the value. Use the left and right arrows to navigate up and down through the matching values. If no match is found the highlight is positioned on the first line of the file. Use the pulldown to select previous searches.
Replace Enter a search value in the Find field and press [Return] or click the right or left arrow at the end of the Find field to position on the occurrence of the value to be replaced. Enter a replace value in the Replace with field then click the left or right arrow at the end of the Replace with field to make the replacement. To replace additional occurrences, click the arrows at the end of the Replace with field to navigate and replace.
Find All Enter a search value in the Find field then click Find All. This will search through all scripts in the current App (Apps workspace) or in the Library (Library workspace). If a match is found, occurrences are listed in a grid along with their filename and line number in the Find Results tab of the Advanced Panel. Double-clicking on a grid row opens the selected file in the Script Editor and positions on the line number. If no match is found the grid will be empty. The number of occurrences found is given in a message at the bottom of the Find Panel.
Replace Enter a search value in the Find field and press Return or click the right or left arrow to position on the occurrence of the value to be replaced. Enter a replacement value in the Replace with field then click the left or right arrow to make the replacement. To replace additional occurrences, click the arrows to navigate and replace.
Replace All Enter a search value in the Find field and press Return or click the right or left arrow to position on the first occurrence of the value to be replaced. Enter a replacement value in the Replace with field then Replace All to replace all occurrences in the current file.

Advanced Panel Tabs

To refresh a tab, click the Refresh icon in the bottom left hand corner of the panel.

Tab Description
Find Results Displays the results from Find All operations. If a match is found, occurrences are listed in a grid along with their filename and line number. Double-clicking on a grid row opens the selected file in the Script Editor and positions on the line number. If no match is found the grid will be empty.
Tasks Displays tasks from the scripts in a grid along with their filename and line number. Double-clicking on a grid row opens the selected file in the Script Editor and positions on the line number. If no tasks are found the grid will be empty. Tasks can be inserted into scripts by adding a 'todo:' comment, e.g.
// todo: this is a task (.prg)
# todo: this is a task (.py)
Procs Displays procedure and function declarations from the scripts in a grid along with their filename and line number. Double-clicking on a grid row opens the selected file in the Script Editor and positions on the line number. This grid is refreshed automatically when a file is opened in the Script Editor unless the Advanced Panel is hidden. If no declarations are found the grid will be empty.
Classes Displays class declarations from the scripts in a grid along with their filename and line number. Double-clicking on a grid row opens the selected file in the Script Editor and positions on the line number. If no declarations are found the grid will be empty.
Script Output Is automatically selected and displays script output when a script is run using the Run file headerbar toolbutton.
Compile Output Is automatically selected and displays compile output when a script is compiled using the Compile file headerbar toolbutton. Typescript files can be compiled, creating a JavaScript file after successful compilation. Lianja/VFP programs (.prg) can be compiled, creating a .dbo file after successful compilation. Compile output reports any compilation errors or a compilation successful message.

Run file and Compile file Toolbuttons

Run.png Run file
Compile.png Compile file

Keyboard Reference

Key Sequence Description
[Ctrl] + z Undo
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + z Redo
[Ctrl] + y Redo
[Ctrl] + x Cut
[Ctrl] + c Copy
[Ctrl] + v Paste
[Delete] Delete
[Ctrl] + a Select All
[Ctrl] + f Find: opens the Find Panel if it is not already open and positions the cursor in the Find entry field.
[Ctrl] + r Replace: opens the Find Panel if it is not already open and positions the cursor in the Replace entry field.
[Ctrl] + l Goto Line: opens the Find Panel if it is not already open and positions the cursor in the Goto entry field.
[Ctrl] + d Delete Line
[Ctrl] + b Beautify Code: beautifies the code with statement block indentation.
[Ctrl] + t Comment toggle: adds // to the beginning of the selected uncommented line(s), removes // from the beginning of the selected commented line(s).
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + t Uncomment: removes // from the beginning of the selected commented line(s).
[Ctrl] + u Upper Case: converts the selected text to upper case.
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + u Lower Case: converts the selected text to lower case.
[Ctrl] + i Indent
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + i Unindent
[Ctrl] + s Save
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + s Save All
[Alt] + s Snippet Manager
[Alt] + f Fold All
[Alt] + u Unfold All
[Alt] + c Toggle Code Folding on/off
[Alt] + i Toggle Intellisense on/off

The Lianja CodeAssistant for Lianja/VFP

Full CodeAssistant functionality coming soon in Lianja v3.4

The Lianja CodeAssistant includes:

  • Intellisense
  • IntelliTips
  • Statement Completion
  • Context sensitive statement assistance while typing
  • Code suggestions
  • Function and method parameter hints
  • Quick Info for commands and variables
  • Auto Indenting
  • Code Snippets
  • Code Beautifier
  • Code Folding


Lianja provides Intellisense for commands, functions, object variables and cursors. Intellisense is implemented in a background thread so that it is kept up-to-date in real time.

Command Intellisense

Typing a command followed by a space pops up a context sensitive pick list of keywords and clauses for the command being typed.


Command Intellisense

Selecting a clause from the pick list e.g for <lExp> will guide you as you type in the statement. At any time you can type [Ctrl] + [Space] to enable/disable the command pick list.

Command Intellisense

Special Command Intellisense

Some commands have special pick lists depending on context.

open database<space>

This will popup a pick list containing database names.



This will popup a pick list containing table names.


modify command<space> 





This will popup a pick list containing program script filenames.

Program Scripts

Function Intellisense

Typing a function name followed by an open bracket pops up an intellitip for the function.

s = substr(

Function Intellisense

After typing in the code for the highlighted argument, press Tab or Return to move on to the next argument.

Nested intellitips are stacked and unstacked when a ) is typed.

s = substr(products.productname, at( 

Function Intellisense

Object Variable Intellisense

Typing an object variable name followed by a . pops up a pick list of properties and methods for the object variable. Hovering the mouse over items in the pick list displays a tooltip with a short description of the item.

Object variable Intellisense requires any of the following to be present in the file being edited.

local|private|public|parameter|lparameter name as classname


name = createObject("classname")




name = Lianja.getElementByID("Id")
name = Lianja.get("id")

In the latter case, the specified 'id' is introspected to identify the class based on the pages, sections and formitems in the currently open App.

Object Variable Intellisense

The Lianja system object is known to the script editor so now typing:


Pops up the intellisense for it.

Lianja System Object

Cursor Intellisense

Tables that are open during editing are known to the editor so when for example you have the products table open and you type:


The columns in the products table are displayed as a pick list.

Cursor Intellisense

Hovering the mouse over a column name will display a tooltip containing useful information regarding the column e.g. data type, width, decimals.

You can toggle Intellisense on and off by pressing [Ctrl] + [Space].


Moving the mouse cursor over a command while pressing the control key will popup the IntelliTip for the command.

Moving the mouse cursor over a function name followed by a ( while pressing the control key will popup the IntelliTip for the function.

Moving the mouse cursor over a variable name or an objectname.propertyname or a cursorname.columnname while pressing the control key will popup a tooltip displaying the current value.

You can toggle IntelliTips on and off by pressing [Ctrl] + /.

Statement Completion

Pressing the return key on an empty line while typing in a statement block will close the statement block off for you and move the cursor onto the next line at the previous block indentation.

Quick Info

Press [Ctrl] and hover over a command and the 'Quick Info' for the command will appear as a tooltip.

Press [Ctrl] and hover over a variable and the 'Quick Info' for the variable will appear as a tooltip.

Auto Indenting

When you press the return key while typing commands the cursor will move onto the next line and auto indent for you.

Code Snippets

Code snippets are a productivity aid when coding. As you type a command, any code snippets that match it are displayed in a pick list. Press Return to insert the snippet.

You can edit your own snippets in the Snippet Manager by pressing Alt + s.

When a snippet is inserted it contains parameter insertion points e.g. Here is the snippet called ife for an if/else/endif statement.

if ${condition}
	${insert your code here}
	${insert your else code here}

If the parameter insertion point contains a : (colon) pressing [Ctrl] + [Return] will insert the text following the :.

e.g. Here is the for/endfor snippet. Pressing [Ctrl] + [Return] on the var and the start will insert i and 1 respectively.

for ${var:i} = ${start:1} to ${end}    
    ${insert your code here}

After typing in a parameter, press [Ctrl] + [Return] to move onto the next one.

Code Beautifier

While editing you can press [Ctrl]+ b to beautify your code with statement block indentation.

Code Folding

Code Folding

Code blocks such as if...endif, for...endfor, scan...endscan and do case...endcase are automatically indicated in the left margin with a small + or - icon at the start of the block and an arrow at the end.

Click the - icon to fold the code block.

Click the + icon to unfold a folded code block.

Code Folding

Hovering with the mouse over a - icon highlights the whole code block by changing the background color.

Code Folding

Hovering with the mouse over a + icon displays the folded code in an intellitip.

Code Folding Keyboard Reference

Key Sequence Description
[Alt] + f Fold All
[Alt] + u Unfold All
[Alt] + c Toggle Code Folding on/off

Custom Foldable Blocks

Define custom foldable block

You can create your own foldable code block using regions.

Here, the usage information has been placed in a region.

Precede the block with the following line, giving it a helpful description:

#region description

and terminate the block with:

Folded custom foldable block

The indicator and hover actions are the same as for built-in code blocks.

Here, the block has been folded.

Note that regions cannot be nested.

Extending Lianja with your own Intellisense Definitions

If you have existing libraries of classes or functions, you can place your own intellisense files in the lianja\help directory. If you look at the existing files in that directory you will see that they are just text files that are pre-loaded at startup. e.g. (for function definitions) (for class definitions)

Alternatively, you can create a file called references_vfp.config and place it in your app directory. This file can contain function and global variable type definitions that intellisense will use as hints.

The file should contain triple-slash comments like this:

/// <function="funcname(name as type, name2 as type ,[name3 as type]) returns type // description" />
/// <public="name as type" />

type can be any Lianja classname or Any, Character, Numeric, Logical, Date, Datetime, Currency, Array, Object

Any of the files you edit can also include type definitions by adding:

/// <reference path="filename" />

where filename should exist in the lianja help directory. Or alternatively, prefix the name with lib:/ or app:/ to reference definition files in an App or in the library.