Tabstop Property

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Revision as of 07:40, 27 September 2011 by Lianjasupport (Talk | contribs)

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Whether the object can be selected with the tab key. Read/write.

bTabstop = ob.tabstop
ob.tabstop = bTabstop


Boolean to signify whether the object can be selected with the tab key or not:

True False
True False
.T. .F.
1 0


// Lianja custom section for page "page1" section "section1"
namespace custom1
define class page1_section1 as section
proc page1_section1 
	page1_section1 = createobject("page1_section1")
	page1_section1.addobject("textbox1", "Textbox")
	textbox1.text = "Tabstop = True"
	textbox1.tabstop = True
	page1_section1.addobject("textbox2", "Textbox")
	textbox2.text = "Tabstop = False"
	textbox2.tabstop = False
	page1_section1.addobject("textbox3", "Textbox")
	textbox3.text = "Tabstop = True"
	textbox3.tabstop = 1
return page1_section1