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See Also

Advanced Canvas Control Attributes, Autosuggestions, Data Attributes, Data Mapping, Field Attributes, Help Attributes, SQL SELECT, SQLVALUES(), Working with the Lianja Object Model


Choices provide a choice list for the user in a Form field or Canvas Section combobox.

The choices are displayed in a dropdown under the control. Clicking on a choice loads its value into the field. The field itself cannot be edited.

Choices can be:

  • Static list
  • Dynamic table-based list
  • SQL Select based list
  • User defined function based list

Choices are defined in the Choices field attribute found in the Data sub-section of the attributes dialog:

Attribute Description
Choices The list of choices

Static Lists

Static lists are based on a comma-separated list of choices.

Choices: Buchanan,Callahan,Davolio,Dodsworth,Fuller,King,Leverling,Peacock,Suyama
Static list

In edit mode, clicking in the field displays the dropdown of choices.

Dynamic List

A dynamic list is based on the evaluation of an expression from a specified table.


Here the list is based on the current values of the lastname field from the employees table.

Choices: @employees,lastname
Dynamic list

The dropdown displays values from the table.

SQL Select List

A SQL Select list is generated by the resultset from a SQL Select statement.

Here the list is based on the ordered current values of the lastname field from the employees table.

Choices: select lastname from employees order by lastname
SQL Select

The dropdown displays values from the resultset.

Note: to display a blank value at the top of the choice list, prefix the SQL Select statement with a '+'.

Choices: +select lastname from employees order by lastname

User Defined Function

The list can be based on the return value from a user defined function or procedure (Lianja/VFP scripting).


The return value should be a comma-separated list. Here the list is based on the return value from the 'getempname' procedure defined in the App's custom library.

Choices: {getempname()}

As in the other examples, it returns the lastname field values from the employees table.

proc getempname()
	sqlvalues("select lastname from employees order by lastname")
	creturn = astring(_sqlvalues)
	return creturn
User defined function

The dropdown displays values from the list returned by the procedure.

Notes on Client Support

Attribute Notes
Choices Static and SQL Select lists are supported on all clients.
Dynamic and user defined function lists are currently supported on the Desktop client only.

Notes on Scripting Support