CatalogView Options

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Under Construction

CatalogView Section

The CatalogView Section is a data bound WebViewWidget that displays a catalog of items. Each page provides a table of cells comprising an image, a caption, a sub caption, some details and optional links to drill down to additional information about the selected catalog item.

Two Apps are included in the Lianja App Builder distribution to demonstrate the use of a CatalogView Section.

example_webapp1 App
example_catalogview App

CatalogView Section

The 'Lianja Tablet Web UI Demo' (example_webapp1) App displays the photograph and notes fields (blob, varchar) from the employees table along with their job title and a 'Read more...' link.

Double-clicking on the photograph or clicking on the 'Read more...' link calls the JavaScript dblclick/click delegates to slide in an employee information panel with details of the selected employee.

It is a paginated CatalogView Section.

CatalogView Section

The example desktop App 'CatalogView App' (example_catalogview) App also displays the employee photograph and notes along with the employee name.

Clicking on the photograph or the name calls an inline delegate to switch to the 'Employee Details' Page and show the details for the selected employee.

It is a single page CatalogView Section.


Data Binding Attributes

The Database and Table Attributes define the data binding for the CatalogView Section.

Attribute Description
Database The name of the database
Table The name of the table
Database and Table Attributes

Here the example desktop App 'CatalogView App' (example_catalogview) has empty Database and Table Attributes. CatalogView Sections will default to using the sample southwind database and the employees table if no Database and Table are specified, but remember to complete these for your target data.

Heading Attribute

Heading text can be specified to be displayed below the Section header.

Attribute Description
Heading The Catalogview heading. This defaults to none, which causes the heading to not be displayed
Empty Heading

The 'Lianja Tablet Web UI Demo' (example_webapp1) App has no Heading specified.


The 'CatalogView App' (example_catalogview) specifies the Heading as Employee List and it is automatically visible.

Cell width

The width of each cell (this is a percentage that the cell will used in the display area). This defaults to 100%

Cell height

The height of the cell in pixels. This defaults to just take up the space that is required to display the cell

Columns across

The number of columns to display across the page

Image Attributes

Each cell in the CatalogView Section displays an image from a blob field (alternatively known as an object field) from the bound table.

Image height and width can be set, otherwise they each default to 200 pixels.

Attribute Description
Image The name of the (blob/object) column in the table containing the image for each cell
Image width The width of the image in pixels
Image height The height of the image in pixels
Image Attributes

Here the example desktop App 'CatalogView App' (example_catalogview) App specifies that the Image should be the photo field (from the employees table).

The Image width and Image height are not set, so the image will be displayed at the default 200 pixels by 200 pixels size.

Caption Attributes

A data bound Caption can be displayed alongside the image. The Caption can have an associated Caption delegate which is called when the Caption is clicked and is passed the current Caption link searchkey value.

Attribute Description
Caption The name of the (character) column in the table containing the caption for each cell
Caption delegate The inline delegate to invoke when the caption is clicked
Caption link searchkey The search key expression to be postfixed to the caption delegate when it is invoked
Caption Attributes

Here the 'CatalogView App' (example_catalogview) App specifies the character expression concat(trim(lastname), ', ', trim(firstname)) as the Caption.

When the Caption is clicked, the Caption delegate will be called: page:employees.section3 with the Caption link searchkey, here lastname as the searchkey.

This is the equivalent of the following SHOWDOCUMENT() call:


For example, if 'Davolio, Nancy' is clicked, the current Caption link searchkey will be 'Davolio' and the call will be:


Caption Attributes

So, when the Caption is clicked, section3 in the employees Page is selected and a search is made based on the Section's Search field.

Sub Caption Attribute

A data bound Sub caption can also be displayed.

Attribute Description
Sub caption The name of the (character) column in the table containing the sub-caption for each cell

Sub caption Attribute

Here the 'Lianja Tablet Web UI Demo' (example_webapp1) App specifies the title field (character) as the Sub caption.

The text from the field is displayed and is not clickable.

Note: a character expression can also be specified here, e.g. upper(title).


The name of the (memo/varchar) column in the table containing the details for each cell

Read more

Show the 'Read more' link (True | False).

Details height

Maximum height of details to display if 'Read more' is specified

Read more delegate

The inline delegate to invoke when the 'Read more' link is clicked

Read more link searchkey

The search key expression to be postfixed to the 'Read more' delegate when it is invoked

Order by

The orderby expression for the data in the Catalogview


The filter expression that restricts which records will be included in the Catalogview

Pagination Attributes

For displays of a larger number of catalog items or where a larger cell size is required, CatalogView Sections with multiple pages can be created.

Attribute Description
Pagination Paginate the rows displayed (True | False)
Pagination size The number of cells to paginate
Paginated CatalogView Section

The 'Lianja Tablet Web UI Demo' (example_webapp1) App has Pagination enabled and Pagination size set to 6. Columns across is set to 2, so 3 rows are displayed per page.

Note: Complete rows will be displayed, so with Pagination size set to 5, a page would still display 3 rows of 2 cells.

Paginated CatalogView Section

With Pagination enabled, the page navigation control is automatically displayed.

CSS Stylesheet

You can override the CSS style for the table containing the cells and the style of the cells themselves by specifying your own stylesheet.

Other options

Other Catalogview options

Custom library

Custom library containing the Tile producer delegate.

Tile producer

Delegate to call to render a custom tile. This should just output the HTML.

Notes on Client Support

Attribute Notes
Cell width
Cell height
Columns across
Image width
Image height
Caption delegate
Caption link searchkey
Sub caption
Read more
Details height
Read more delegate
Read more link searchkey
Order by
Pagination size
CSS Stylesheet
Other options
Custom library
Tile producer