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Note: property, method and event names should be referred to in lowercase in case-sensitive scripting languages.


Property Access (R/RW) Value Description
Bof R Boolean Whether record pointer is at beginning of cursor
ChangedValues R Object Return an object reference for an object which has a name and value for each column in the underlying data for the active record that has been changed since the record was last read or updated in the UI or programmatically.
Database R Character The name of the database associated with the cursor
Eof R Boolean Whether record pointer is at end of cursor
Found R Boolean Whether last search was successful
Filter RW Character Filter condition for the cursor. Call refresh() after changing to refresh the active record.
SearchFilter RW Character SearchFilter condition for the cursor. Call refresh() after changing to refresh the active record.
Table R Character The name of the table associated with the cursor
Values R Object Return an object reference for an object which has a name and value for each column in the underlying data for the active record.


Method Args Description
_delete onsuccess as function, onerror as function [, args ] Deletes a record from the database table on the server based on the current recno. Note
Add None Clears the internal record buffer in preparation for insert() being called after setData().
GetData column as string Get the value of the specified column from the active record.
Insert onsuccess as function, onerror as function [, args ] Creates a new record in the database table on the server containing the column data values that were changed by setData(). Used in conjunction with add() and setData(). Note
MoveBookmark record as Numeric Positions on the specified record in the cursor then refreshes the active record of the cursor from the server. Note
MoveFirst onsuccess as function, onerror as function Positions on the first record in the cursor then refreshes the active record of the cursor from the server. Note
MoveLast onsuccess as function, onerror as function Positions on the last record in the cursor then refreshes the active record of the cursor from the server. Note
MoveNext onsuccess as function, onerror as function Positions on the next record in the cursor then refreshes the active record of the cursor from the server. Note
MovePrevious onsuccess as function, onerror as function Positions on the previous record in the cursor then refreshes the active record of the cursor from the server. Note
Read onsuccess as function, onerror as function [, args ] Reads a record from the database table on the server based on the current recno. If the recno is greater than the reccount then the last record will be read. Note
Reccount None Returns the total row count in the cursor.
Recno None Returns the current rowid in the cursor.
Refresh onsuccess as function, onerror as function Refreshes the active record of the cursor from the server based on the current filter and searchfilter conditions or the current recno if neither are specified. Note
SetData column as Character, value as Expression Set the value of the specified column in the active record.
Update onsuccess as function, onerror as function [, args ] Updates the current record in the database table on the server containing the column data values that were changed by SetData(). Note

The function arguments are optional JavaScript closures called when the operation completes and apply to the [Lianja HTML5 Client].


Event Args Description