Conversational help

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The conversational help system in the Lianja App Builder provides the ability for you to ask questions in the documentation. The help system is updated dynamically as new questions and topics become available.

Ask questions in the "Search Bar" above.

Example questions

show me all commands

show me all functions

show me all classes

how do i use the script editor?

how do i create a database?

what are the input masks?

show me all json functions

what is data mapping?

how do i use the canvas designer?

how do i build web apps?

how do i build mobile apps?


If you want to lookup the documentation for a specific function just type the function name followed by ().



If you want to lookup the documentation for a specific command just type the command name.

list status

sql select

create database

create table


From the "Classes" tab click on a class name and the "Doc" will be displayed for that class.