Troubleshooting example webvirtualtables

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Under Construction

See Also


Please check the following if you are having problems accessing the data from the MS SQL Server AdventureWorks database via the vt_customers Virtual Table.

Test DSN

Test Data Source

Check the following for the DSN:

It has been created in the 32 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator On 64 bit Windows, this is  %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

It is a 'System DSN'

You are able to successfully connect to the DSN

Test Virtual Table

Open Virtual Table

Check that you can open the cloudlibtest database and the vt_customers Virtual Table.

Modify Virtual Table

You can check or modify the Virtual Table configuration from the right-click context menu or from the Additional Commands cog icon.

DSN name

If you have given your DSN a different name, make sure you update the Virtual Table configuration.

If you have specified SQL Server authentication in your DSN, see SQL Server authentication below.

Deploy Database

If you make any changes to the Virtual Table configuration, remember to Deploy the database before trying to access it from the Lianja Web Client or the Lianja App Center Desktop Client.

Test Desktop App


If you want to run the example_webvirtualtables App in the Lianja App Center Desktop Client, first check that the Published App Setting is True.

Deploy App for Desktop

Then Deploy the App.

Lianja App Center

You should now be able to open the App in the Lianja App Center. If not, check that you have correctly deployed the example_webvirtualtables App and the cloudlibtest database.

Test Web App

Deploy App for Web Client

Open the example_webvirtualtables App in the App Builder, click Web App View, then click Deploy .

Lianja Web Client

You should now be able to open the App in your browser. If not, firstly check that you have correctly deployed the example_webvirtualtables App and the cloudlibtest database.

Lianja Cloud Server

And that your Lianja Cloud Server is licensed and running and has the Enable OData Settings checked.

Server connection lost

Server connection lost

If the App loads in the browser, but you see no data displayed and the message Server connection lost and you have checked that the cloudlibtest database has been correctly deployed (you can confirm this by running the App in the Lianja App Center Desktop Client), check the settings for the MS SQL Server login as detailed below.

Integrated Windows authentication

Integrated Windows authentication

If you have specified SQL Server authentication in your DSN and not Integrated Windows authentication, see SQL Server authentication below.

With Integrated Windows authentication, when you access the Virtual Table (and its underlying DSN) from the Lianja App Builder or the Lianja App Center your current Windows login is used.

When you access the Virtual Table via the Lianja Web Client and Lianja Cloud Server, the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM MS SQL Server login is used.

Default Database

Login: Default database

The NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login will not have AdventureWorks as its Default database.

If you do not want to change this in the Login Properties, you should specify it in the DSN as shown below.

DSN: Default database

Select Change the default database and specify AdventureWorks in the DSN Configuration.

SQL Server authentication

SQL Server authentication

If you have specified SQL Server authentication in your DSN, the login information should be included in the Virtual Table configuration as shown below.

ODBC Connection

The UID and PWD parameters are included after the name of the DSN in the ODBC Connection string.

Don't forget to Deploy the cloudlibtest database after making changes to the Virtual Table.