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Thread: [Answers] Backup

  1. #1
    Lianja MVP
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    Dec 2012
    Croatia, Zagreb

    [Answers] Backup

    Backup option in the Data Workspace? ;-) That .bak file is usually generated when you modify the structure of a table. You may just be able rename it to .dbf and life can go on. Of course, any changes to the data and structure since the .bak was created will be lost.

    When you alter a js file in your App and save it, the previous version is saved in Lianja\apps\appname\year\month\day\time. This can then be accessed from the Versions Workspace via the date hierarchy and restored if required. Are you not seeing an earlier version of your js file? Was it edited outside Lianja?
    From the Apps and Pages Workspace, you can revert to the previously (last) saved version of the App you are working on (Pages WS) or the script you currently have open (Apps WS).

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    Last edited by josipradnik; 2016-03-01 at 03:12.

  2. #2
    Lianja MVP
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    Dec 2012
    Croatia, Zagreb
    What is the best way to back up application on Lianja?
    Have a look at the built-in backups in the Versions Workspace.
    You can see how to use it here:

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    Last edited by josipradnik; 2016-03-01 at 03:09.

  3. #3
    Lianja MVP
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    Dec 2012
    Croatia, Zagreb
    If you make changes to an App and then want to go back to an earlier version or the original, use the Versions workspace to access and restore previous files. You will find the App definition (the .lianja file) and any script files (.prg, .js etc.) you have altered and saved listed by date. Double-click a file name to view it in the Editor and click the 'Restore from backup' button to restore it.

    We all make mistakes when developing software and we all know the importance of keeping backups.

    In Lianja v2.1 there are several ways of keeping track of what you do and assistance for you when things go wrong and you need to recover to a previous stable codebase.

    1. As in earlier versions, the "Versions" workspace keeps a chronological backup of all files edited and all changes to the .lianja file which defines your app.

    2. The MenuBar now has "Database | Backup Database..." and "Database | Restore Database...". These enable you to make snapshot backups of your development database and restore from a previous snapshot. Additionally, "Apps | Backup App..." and "Restore App..." do the same thing for Apps. Both of these operations can be performed while you are developing an App. There is no need to close the App or the Database first.

    3. The "Apps" and "Library" now have Git integrated providing a multitude of Git commands through the UI. And to top it all off a "Git Console" can be used to display a dialog which allows you to type git commands, execute them and view the output. I have paid particular attention to git "Branching" and "Merging" with the objective of simplifying the development workflow.

    I recommend reading:

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