I am trying to set a filter to Vendor on a product file using an rsp file to list the available vendors.

I have created an rsp file and I am able to generate a Dialogpanel with a list of vendors , using
open database essdata
Select vendor from webprod_add order by 1 group by 1 into cursor cVendor
select cVendor
list html off fields vendor;
onclick "vendor","filtervendor('{}')"

However I am unable to apply the filter to the section. I tried using both the field name and a vendor name, with no luck.

Javascript code in the rsp file.
function filtervendor(vendor)
//Lianja.showDocument("section:webprod?action=filter &text = startswith(vendor,'LILLY')");
Lianja.showDocument("section:webprod?action=filter &text = startswith(vendor,'{vendor}')");

Any help will be appreciated