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Thread: Best Practice Suggestions - One Dev box, VMWare, Windows Server, Ubuntu, Mac and more

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    Junior Member
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    Best Practice Suggestions - One Dev box, VMWare, Windows Server, Ubuntu, Mac and more

    Hi Folks,

    TL;DR - What's the best way to simulate multiple, independent servers, each with its own IP range, on one development machine and five IP addresses that can have a public 'face'?

    Well, two years into things I am finally able to focus on what I am hoping will be a fun "next step." I recently picked up a gig where I am going to be involved in migrating an older VFP 6-based solution. Only, it is not all VFP6 - there are other items like Moodle(Ubuntu, I believe) and other items, one being a CSV-based messaging system.

    After considering various options I decided I'd go ahead and spend some money and build a development machine where I could simulate inter and intra-server communications. This will include an Azure future, combined with an internal network (LDAP) and some sort of "slipstream", or dual-track development process that will stay live on one hand and incrementally migrate to the new cloud-based solution.

    I "get" that Lianja has all of the above, plus more (Thank you, Hank, for twisting my arm ) and with that in mind I had a few questions, please.

    • Are there any licensing-related issues should I have, say, more than one Ubuntu server running a Lianja Cloud Server? (up to ten, right?
    • What about the Lianja SQL Server? Same thing?
    • There used to be a version of Azure on a local box. Does anyone know if this is still available, or does Lianja have something similar (I think so, would like to confirm)
    • Does Lianja interface with GitKraken?

    I also need to get a sense of the process of scaling to the cloud and ultimately (and hopefully) the ROI story will be strong enough to induce at least a serious consideration and comparison against the current out-of-the-box approach. Not that it is bad, just that a more cohesive story always helps.

    There is quite a bit more, but this ought to get things rolling.

    Thanks, for your time.

    Last edited by ddodge2; 2019-12-19 at 20:44.



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