Hi! I'm just starting with Lianja and I have to say that I'm having a very good experience. It seems very powerful and flexible to me. On the other hand I'm having a lot of difficulties finding training resources and documentation (I think that it's normal having in mind that it is an almost "new" environment). If someone issues a training course or a book will have here a client!
On the other hand I'm trying to figure out how to advance and emulate the programs that I normally do with other tools. I have two doubts that I haven't been able to solve with the forum:
-On a canvas section I'm trying to insert some custom buttons mainly for navigation and basic actions. I've tried several ways but with no luck. On exemple, for a "move to next record" button in a desktop app what I'm doing is to create a new page(page1), a new canvas section (section1), drop in some record fields, and then I insert a command button, typing in the Default action field of the control: section:section1?action=next. When I click it, it seems that nothing happens, or almost the fields are not refreshing. How can I use the "default actions" in a button in the canvas section?
-My second doubt I think is related with data mapping, but I'm not sure. Using the southwind database and trying to do a simple invoicing program, I create a new page (page2), add a form section (section1) and drop there the orders table fields. I then add a second section, but this time is a grid(section2) and I add the order details fields (order id, product, price, qty). Then, I try that the price field automatically updates its content with the "unit price" that figures for that product in the products table, whenever you change the product. If you select product 1, in the price field of the grid should automatically appear the "unit price" of the product 1 that is in the products table. I thought that I could get that with data mapping but I'm a little bit lost, as I also want the user to be able to overwrite that value. I've tried to specify in the "get data mapping" field of the price column: keylookup("products","productid",{},unitprice), and leaving set data mapping blank, but it doesn't work.
Any idea on these issues?
Thank you!