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Thread: i need have 2 same systems on the same server

  1. #1

    i need have 2 same systems on the same server

    I need to have two similar systems on the same server for 2 different companies, what can I do to separate them
    because they occupy the same names and database applications, but independent information.

    thanks and regards

  2. #2
    Lianja MVP
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Berea, KY, USA
    Hi Rodolfo,

    That's what multi-tenant does for you, enabling you to run multiple companies all logging into the same app. The key is setting the Domain in the User information. The system db has that information, so that also needs to be pushed to production.

    The user's login directs the user to the right database, and Lianja internally handles the difference in database name.

    Here are the directions, from the roadmap:

    • Enabled database tenancies based on the authenticated user. The "Database" used by an App for a user in a specified tenancy is postfixed with an "_" followed by the tenancy (domain) for the user specified in the "Users" workspace. For example, if the database for an App is southwind and the user has a tenacy (domain) specified of xyzco then the database used for that user will be southwind_xyzco. When the user authenticates in Desktop, Web or Mobile apps the specified database will be used rather than the default database for the App. Remember to "Deploy" the system!sysroles table and the database for that tenancy from the "Deploy" workspace. Note that if the tenancy name contains '.' or '@' characters these are replaced with '_' characters e.g. using the southwind database would expect the database southwind_lianja_com to exist. You can "copy" a complete database to another using the COPY DATABASE command in the console or the "Copy" menu selection in the "Data" workspace.



    PS: additional information here:
    Last edited by HankFay; 2015-09-15 at 11:09.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    México city
    No habia visto el post , disculpa que te consteste en español , pero es en este foro , y me es mas comodo , veras yo tengo , un sistema en lianja que hace bases de datos sobre demanda (el usuario las define), obvio la mayor parte de esta estructura de datos es la misma y con algunos diferentes campos dependiendo de lo que el usuario requiera , ahora , ya que no conosco tu sistema , lo que opino es que tu sistema haga las bases de datos que cada empresas por separado , teniendo una tabla que controle las empresas, asi cuando el usuario diga con que empresa trabaja, tu sistema abre la base de datos de esta y todas tus tablas , osea que cada empresa tenga sus propias bases de datos y tu sistema solo debera de tener "conciencia" de con cual empresa estas trabajando asi solo usara la base de datos de está y sus tablas.

    No se si esto te sirva, pero espero te sirva


  4. #4
    Lianja MVP
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Berea, KY, USA
    Hi Gontran,

    that is exactly what multi-tenancy does. The users gets their own database, but Lianja does all the heavy lifting.




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