I am able to connect to the Lianja SQL Server using the connection string:
lcDSNLess="DRIVER=Lianja ODBC Driver;SERVER=?;DATABASE=southwind;Uid=?;Pwd=?"

The connection fails if I try :
lcDSNLess="DRIVER=Lianja ODBC Driver;SERVER=?;DATABASE=southwind;Uid=admin;Pwd=a dmin"

Also I tried adding records into the system!syroles table but that also did not work
lcDSNLess="DRIVER=Lianja ODBC Driver;SERVER=?;DATABASE=southwind;Uid=myname;Pwd= mypwd"

How and where do I add users into the LSQL server ?

I need to connect to remote LSQL server with UID+PWD authentication from other applications written in VFP / Excel / Python.