Hi, created a virtual table for a table on MS Sql Server, definition is
Tables in Database: msdev
Name Path Type
------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
+ persons C:\Lianja\data\msdev\persons.dbf VirtualTable
| connstr 'Driver={ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server};Server=,1434;Database=dev1;Uid =sa;Pwd=sa'
| alias 'PERSONS'
| as select * from dev1.dbo.persons

can select
select * from persons


100 Smith John
200 Brown Paul
300 Poe Edgar

3 records selected in 0ms

but an insert/delete/update through the virtual table gives following error
Thu 2. May 21:15:18 2013
**** Lianja error ****
insert into persons values (400,'Ritchie','Dennis')
Cannot append record - errno 2

Any way to find more about this 'errno 2' ? (the ms sqlserver account used has all the rights on this table)
