I have a custom menu in a footer.


I can use the HTML4.1 deprecated (and HTML5 unavailable) text tags to modify it:

|<b><font color="red">Choice1</font></b>, (etc.)

I can also use inline CSS styling:

|<p style="display:block;background-color:#98bf21;font:bold;color:red;font-size:16px;">Choice1</p>, (etc.)

So far so good (meaning: if I play with it enough I can get what I want, which is a couple of buttons for the footer menu).

So, then I created a class with an id in a .css file:


I changed the menu to:
|<p id="footermenu">Choice1</p>,etc.

I tried putting the file with the definition in the Section Header CSS and the Page CSS Style, with no joy.

Question: is there a way to attach a CSS style to the custom menu items? It could well be my scant knowledge of CSS that is making this not work.

BTW: being able to play with this stuff right in the attributes dialog and seeing the results is really great.

