If you are a Visual FoxPro developer then you will feel right at home with Lianja.
There is no need to learn a new language -- Lianja has its own cross-platform implementation of Visual FoxPro (LianjaScript) embedded inside it as well as PHP, Python and JavaScript. Yes, that's right, all these scripting languages are embedded inside Lianja and they are all fully integrated so that code can be written in any of these scripting languages.
Lianja by design is a radical departure from traditional desktop development tools just as Visual FoxPro was to FoxBase and Visual Basic was to Basic.
It takes a radically different view of app development providing a high level of abstraction for visually designing, developing and deploying multi-client-device business apps on whatever operating system you choose.
When we set out to develop Lianja we made a conscious decision to architect and build a product that embraced dynamic scripting languages, hence the support for Visual FoxPro scripting, PHP, Python and JavaScript.
Lianja is also cross-platform; Windows, Mac, and Linux, and it allows you to build data-centric apps that can connect to any data source; MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle (and others), but also very importantly it enables both professional developers and domain-experts (people who know everything about their business but are not programmers) to be able to build compelling Desktop, Web and Mobile Apps.
The Lianja App Builder includes support for importing Visual FoxPro databases (.dbc files) , projects (.pjx files), forms (.scx files) and visual classes (.vcx files).
The Visual FoxPro compatible scripting language in Lianja has been extended with many new commands and functions.
The Visual FoxPro UI classes that you as a VFP developer are familiar with are all available in Lianja as well as many additional ones to help you better build modern looking Apps. All of the VFP UI classes can be skinned with CSS to improve their visual appearance without having to change hardly any of your existing code (if any at all).
Additionally, Lianja for Windows has full support for ActiveX.
The database engine in Lianja is full 64-bit with huge file support so unlike VFP there is no practical restriction on the size of database tables.
One of the unique features of Lianja is that it has a complete cross-platform web browser component built-in as well as a server page processing engine. Server pages (just as you would write them as .php or .asp pages) can be written in VFP and embedded into your Lianja Apps (.rsp pages). Alternatively, you can write these server side pages in Python (.pysp pages) or JavaScript (.jssp pages). There is no need to install or configure anything to obtain this functionality.
Additionally, Lianja also has a complete database server -- Lianja SQL Server -- that runs on Windows and Linux. Lianja SQL Server is a true database server just like MySQL or MSSQL -- the big difference being that you can write stored procedures and triggers all in VFP.
Lianja takes Visual FoxPro to the next level which is why many developers have said that Lianja is what "Visual FoxPro 10 should have been".
If you want to know more about Lianja without having to spend a lot of time browsing around the website read the FAQ or take a look at The Lianja Overview.
Lianja App Builder is a Visual development environment with a lot of features and functionality to minimize coding. Rather than jump straight into coding in LianjaScript/VFP it is important to understand what is built-in to Lianja.
Visual Development in Lianja
Understanding the Lianja application architecture https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_the_Lianja_App_Architecture
Creating a database and it's tables https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Creating_a_database_and_its_tables
Creating an App https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Getting_Started_Part_1#Creating_your_first_Lianja_App
Creating a page https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Page_Builder
Costomizing page appearance https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Page_Appearance
Customizing section appearance https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Section_Appearance
Customizing attributes https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Attributes
Using the App Inspector https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:App_Inspector_v5
Using the Query Builder https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/QueryBuilder
Using the Query Picker https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/QueryPicker
Split grid editing. Grid, form, editors, images https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Split_Grid_Sections
Creating reports https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Reports_Workspace
User roles and permissions https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Users_and_Roles
Adding contextual help https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Help_Attributes
Understanding UI presentation rules https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/UI_Presentation_Rules
Row level security (RLS) https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Row_Level_Security
Dynamic data masks (DDM) https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_Dynamic_Data_Masking_in_Lianja
Live preview https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Deprecated:_Understanding_Live_Preview_in_Lianja
Hot backup and restore https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Hot_Backup_and_Restore
Database timelines https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Database_Timelines
Working with metadata https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/MetaData_Editor
Working with metatypes https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/MetaTypes
Working with UI Page libraries https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Working_with_UI_Page_Libraries
Working with Visual Components https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Visual_Components
Understanding UI Navigation https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_Lianja_UI_Navigation
Custom delegates https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Custom_Delegates
Event sequences https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Event_Delegate_Sequences
Working with the Lianja Object Model (LOM) https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Working_with_the_Lianja_Object_Model
Understanding showDocument() https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Using_the_showdocument()_function_and_Lianja.showDocument()_method
Canvas designer https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Canvas_Designer
Data binding https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_Data_Binding
Data validation https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Data_Validation
Autosuggestions https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Autosuggestions
Understanding macros https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_Macros
Understanding UI layouts https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_UI_Layouts
Dynamic compilation https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Understanding_Dynamic_Compilation
Dialog panels https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Dialog_Panels
Using WebViewWidgets https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Using_WebViewWidgets
Working with third party data sources using Virtual Tables https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Virtual_Tables
Data mapping https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Data_Mapping
LianjaScript/VFP Developer QuickStart with Lianja
Build a Lianja App using best practices https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?28-HOWTO-Build-a-Lianja-App-using-best-practices
Importing VFP Database and Tables https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Importing_Visual_FoxPro_Databases_and_Tables
LianjaScript/VFP Command Reference https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Commands
LianjaScript/VFP Function Reference https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Functions
Developing custom sections in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Developing_Lianja_Custom_Sections_in_Visual_FoxPro
Developing custom gadgets in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Developing_Lianja_Custom_Gadgets_in_Visual_FoxPro
Using the Lianja Framework classes in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Framework_Classes
Custom Delegates https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Custom_Delegates
Working with Lianja grids https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?18-HOWTO-Working-with-Lianja-grids
Integrate Lianja and VFP with concurrent data access https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?14-HOWTO-integrate-Lianja-and-VFP-with-concurrent-data-access
Understanding UI Data Queries in Lianja https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?7-Understanding-UI-Data-Queries-in-Lianja
Understanding Responsive UI Apps https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?5-Understanding-Responsive-UI-Apps
Lianja DBA (Database Administrator) cheat sheet https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?20-Lianja-DBA-(Database-Administrator)-cheat-sheet
Working with forms in Lianja https://www.lianja.com/community/entry.php?27-HOWTO-Working-with-forms-in-Lianja
Developing custom WebViews in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Developing_Custom_WebViews_in_Visual_FoxPro
Developing LianjaScript/VFP Server Pages https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Visual_FoxPro_Server_Pages https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/EXECRSP() https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/EXECPYSP() https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/EXECJSSP()
Working with data in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Working_with_data_in_Visual_FoxPro https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Working_with_Data
Using SQL in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php?search=sql&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go
Third party (e.g. MSSQL, MySQL) database connectivity https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Category:Third_Party_Database_Connectivity
Working with Virtual Tables https://lianja.com/doc/index.php/Virtual_Tables
Working with ODBC in LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/SQL_Remote_Data_Connectivity_Functions
Calling Python from LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/EXECPYTHON()
Calling JavaScript from LianjaScript/VFP https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/EXECJAVASCRIPT()
Debugging LianjaScript/VFP using the troubleshooter https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Troubleshooter_Python_Debugger_Tab
Calling server-side LianjaScript/VFP functions from client-side javascript in Web Apps https://www.lianja.com/doc/index.php/Exports.conf
See Also
Lianja in a Nutshell Understanding the Lianja App Architecture Lianja Developers Guide Lianja Users Guide Lianja UI Framework classes Guide to Importing Visual FoxPro files VFP to Lianja Migration Guide