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Thread: If I build an app and publish it on a Linux server how can I run this app on windows

  1. #1

    If I build an app and publish it on a Linux server how can I run this app on windows

    If I build an app and publish it on a Linux server how can I run this app on windows desktops?

  2. #2
    Lianja Support Team lianjasupport's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Boston USA, Wokingham UK
    In the final 1.0 release we will make available a free download of an Xserver for windows. You install this on a windows desktop and it will allow you to setup desktop icons that will cause your app to run on the remote linux server but the UI will be rendered on the windows desktop. The advantage of this approach is that your app and data are "captive" on the remote linux server and cannot be compromised by a windows desktop user. Very useful for banking, finance and POS systems.



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