ComForm.Testcom.Input specified like that will call it as a method not access the property.
See below.
PUBLIC ComForm && ,TestCom
ComForm = CREATEOBJECT('Form')
ComForm.Testcom.CommPort = 2
ComForm.Testcom.Settings = "9600,E,7,1"
ComForm.Testcom.PortOpen = .T.
ComForm.Testcom.Output = Chr(87)+Chr(13) // Scale command to send weight data
result = ComForm.Testcom.Input
ComForm.Testcom.PortOpen = .F.
in the console.
set debug on
obj = createObject("MSCOMMLib.MSComm")
then quit lianja and read the debug file in c:\lianja\debug
You can see all the methods and properties available for that activeX object.
I'd appreciate it if you post a new question in its own thread rather than use this one timeclock thread for every question. Its becoming unwieldy and long.