I have reviewed the Additems link and still have no idea how to update the treegrid with the cursor data i get from the sql statement i run after the badge information is entered.
Is it possible to get an example of the code required to do this. I want to list the LP.Tiem and LP.Type information in the grid.
proc page1_section1_field5_lostfocus()
// insert your code here
close databases all
open database butchery shared
use vt_employee
select fname,lname from VT_Employee where VT_Employee.badge=m_badge into cursor emp
m_empname=alltrim(Emp.Fname)+ " "+Alltrim(EMP.Lname)
Lianja.get("Page1.section1.field7").Refresh() // EMployee Name field
// use vt_localpunch
// select * from VT_LocalPunch where vt_LocalPunch.Badge=m_badge and ttod(VT_LocalPunch.Datetime)=Date() into cursor LP
// select lp
// go bottom in lp
//// scatter name m_cett
// m_cett=lp.type
close database butchery
// Opon the Employee Time Clock Puch File(s) to view and update
proc TimeClockPunchUpdate()
//close databases all
//open database butchery shared
use vt_localpunch in 0
select substr(ttoc(vt_LocalPunch.datetime),12,11) as time,Type from VT_LocalPunch where vt_LocalPunch.Badge=m_badge and ttod(VT_LocalPunch.Datetime)=Date() order by datetime desc into cursor LP
close database butchery
// Event delegate for 'interactivechange' event