Thanks Yvonne for your help with my first report!
I'm working on a second tabular report that is similar but is condensed. My requirements for this report seems to be beyond the report builder's capabilities.
My code needs to select certain fields from a table, grab a field from a child table, accumulate first names into a firstnames field when they are of the same household and have the same last name. So, if I have records like:
These records make up one household
Parent Table Child Table
FirstName LastName RAaddress VoteHistory
1. John Doe 123 Any St 'VVV'
2. May Doe 123 Any St 'VVVVV'
3. Sally Doe 123 Any St 'FFF'
FYI, 'V' = voted, 'F' = failed to vote. The more "V"s the better.
I want to capture the best votehistory for the household. I'm ok with writing the code in VFP to create a report table for this report. My issue is where to put the code. I'm thinking in the Before Generate delegate. Also, I need to know where to put the code that closes the cursor/table and returns to the Parent/master table. Alternatively, I could leave it open and just overwrite it as needed with the Set Safety On/Off command. But to save resources, I prefer to close and erase it.
My report would look like this:
RAddress Last FirstNames Best Votehistory Otherfields
123 Any St Doe May, John, Sally 'VVVVV' blah, blah