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Thread: Removing, Resizing FormItems

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Kailua, Hawaii

    Removing, Resizing FormItems

    Sorry, I must be missing something here.

    I created a page and dragged and dropped a table onto the page. The field data appeared in a new section but not the field names. I tried setting Hide Caption to true/false but it made no difference.

    - Is there a way to get the field names to appear?

    - Also, I don't want all the fields in this particular section but I couldn't find a way to remove them. Is there a way to do that?

    I tried creating a form section and dragged and dropped fields into it. The field's formitem took up the entire width of the section. And, they were stacked. I couldn't resize the fields or reposition them side by side (since the field data is only 2 chars long).
    - Is there a way to reposition these fields in columns and to resize them?


  2. #2
    Lianja Development Team barrymavin's Avatar
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    Hi Steve,

    Dragging a table onto the page creates a "Form" section.

    The captions are taken from the column descriptions. How did you create that table? They should all default to the column name if the description is not present.

    To remove a field hover your mouse over the caption and an "Edit" icon will be displayed. Click it to edit the caption or remove the formitem by clicking the "Remove" icon.

    Form sections are responsive and will occupy the width of the section unless you arrange it using "Column dividers". Add a column divider (Click the "Dividers" icon in the Form Bar).

    In Lianja 8 after layout out a Form section into columns you can "Convert Form to TabView" if required from the "Sections" system menu.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 8.32.04 AM.jpg 
Views:	212 
Size:	51.9 KB 
ID:	2863

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 8.32.50 AM.jpg 
Views:	159 
Size:	66.0 KB 
ID:	2864

    You can click on the caption of any formitem and rearrange them by dragging and dropping onto another caption.

    If you want to have a complete custom layout use a canvas section. In Lianja 8 you can drag a table onto a canvas section and it will be laid out for you.
    Principal developer of Lianja, Recital and other products

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Kailua, Hawaii
    Thanks Barry!

    FYI, I created my tables by importing FoxPro tables into Lianja database. I'll go thru the fields and add the descriptions, thanks!

    Also, I was trying to resize the "boxes" the fields are displayed in. I clicked on the "handles" on the right/left and dragged to try to resize same as I would a FoxPro object on a form. However, while the object resized, the caption would get hidden. These are just 2 char fields and the field names are just 3 chars so I want to make them smaller to fit more data into the section.

    I feel like when I tried Lianja about 10 years ago, I had this problem and there was a simple way to do it but I can't remember how it worked. How can I resize the objects and still have the caption and data visible?


  4. #4
    Lianja Team yvonne.milne's Avatar
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    Hi Steve,

    Resizing a Canvas Section formitem using the handles to make it smaller will make the data part smaller until it reaches a minimum, then resize the label if you continue.

    In the attributes, you have the Geometry -> Width to control the whole formitem width and the Appearance -> Caption width to control the label/caption width so you can set these to the exact sizes you require.



  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2014
    Kailua, Hawaii
    Thanks Yvonne,

    I'll give it a try.


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