Hi Barry
We are trying to change records programatically in web so we can stay on a newly inserted record when user presses save. Currently the GUI display record jumps to the last record in the index - Mr Yoyo.
By the time the user presses Save we have a unique customer ID and probably a record number.
What is the best way of jumping back to the newly inserted record in an index ordered table?
We assumed we would make a field into a section search field and use Lianja.showDocument("section:section1?action=searc h&text=" + lcust_id);
It works in dev from Lianja console but cannot make it work in web. Also cannot find the right place to call it from. Afterinsert section delegate seems too early as it is called on insert and we don't yet have our unique ID ( guid() ). We want it when the user presses save, just before the record jumps to the last record in the index - Mr Yoyo.
Our records are displayed in customer name order but we have a section search field set to cust_id which is a guid(). We currently only have two indexes on the table ie lower(name) and lower(cust_id) as guid() seems to be stored as lower case.
So any advice as to the best way to search for the cust_id field using js and then move the current record pointer?
Thanks in advance