Originally Posted by
Can you explain in the terms of southwind database tables what do you want to achieve?
Maybe there is a simpler way.
For example,
after converting data VFP-> Lianja you got the table CUSTOMERS in Lianja database, right?
And you need to change the field REGION from c(15) to integer, or something?
Or you need to move out the field REGION into the table EMPLOYEES ?
...something like that, explaining you intentions.
I'll try my best.
Using the fictitious example of CUSTOMER:
1. I have manually created a database "VFPSOUTHWIND" in the data workspace.
2. I dragged and dropped all tables of the Southwind database from VFP into this database.
3. I have manually created a database "SOUTHWINDNEW" in the data workspace.
4. I want to use a script to import data from the manually imported table VFPSOUTHWIND.CUSTOMER into several new tables to be created in the SOUTHWINDNEW database.
I have to do this because:
- Data that should now be split into several NEW tables in the manually created database SOUTHWINDNEW.
- New fields are added in the new table CUSTOMER, which in turn come from other import tables.
- other column changes take place (I could of course do that with ALTER.
As a result, I have e.g. in the new database:
- CUSTOMER ADDRESS -> Name and Address
- CUSTOMER -> all the rest plus new fields
not that this would make sense in terms of content in THIS example.
Note: I dragged and dropped the original VFP database instead of accessing it via ODBC (I just don't even know how to do it ), because otherwise I don't need it either and I wanted to make sure that I didn't tear up the original tables and database.
BTW: I make this example now with employees of the southwind database. Exept: Origin was the lianja version and I don't split the data into several tables. Just 1:1 only to reproduce the behaviour. Her is my COde:
// Import from testdb (with Lianja table employees) into the new database testdbnew
set debug on
SET DATE to german
set separator to "."
set point to ","
// ***********************************************************************
// close all DBs, open new database
// ***********************************************************************
close databases all
open database testdbnew exclusive
// ***********************************************************************
// Open Import-Table
// ***********************************************************************
if used("impemployees")
close impemployees
use testdb!employees alias impemployees in 0 shared
// ***********************************************************************
// create new table in new database
// ***********************************************************************
wait wind "Create Employees..." nowait noclear
if used("employees")
close employees
drop table testdbnew!employees
create table testdbnew!employees ;
(employeeid Numeric(10) Description "Employee ID" default 0, ;
lastname Char(20) Description "Nachname" default "", ;
firstname Char(10) description "Vorname" default "", ;
title Char(30) description "Anrede" default "",;
titleofcourtesy Char(25) description "Titel" default "", ;
birthdate DATE description "Geburtsdatum" default {}, ;
hiredate DATE description "Angestellt seit" default {}, ;
address Char(60) description "Straße" default "", ;
city Char(15) description "Ort" default "", ;
region Char(15) description "Region" default "", ;
postalcode Char(10) description "PLZ" default "", ;
country Char(15) description "Land" default "", ;
homephone Char(24) description "Telefon" default "", ;
extension Char(4) description "Durchwahl" default "", ;
notes LONG VARCHAR description "Notizen" default "", ;
reportsto Numeric(10) description "?" default 0, ;
photo Blob description "Foto")
// ***********************************************************************
// Import of data
// ***********************************************************************
select impemployees
lcGesamt = allt(transform(reccount(impemployees), '9.999.999'))
lnAkt = 0
scan all
lnAkt = lnakt + 1
lcWaitText = "Import - Employee " + trans(impemployees.employeeid) + ", " + allt(transform(lnAkt, '9.999.999')) + " von " + lcGesamt
wait wind lcWaitText nowait noclear
insert into employees (employeeid) values (impemployees.employeeid)
replace in employees lastname with impemployees.lastname,;
firstname with impemployees.firstname,;
title with impemployees.title,;
titleofcourtesy with impemployees.titleofcourtesy,;
birthdate with impemployees.birthdate,;
hiredate with impemployees.hiredate,;
address with impemployees.address,;
city with impemployees.city,;
region with impemployees.region,;
postalcode with impemployees.postalcode,;
country with impemployees.country,;
homephone with impemployees.homephone,;
extension with impemployees.extension,;
notes with impemployees.notes,;
reportsto with impemployees.reportsto
select impemployees
wait clear
=messagebox("Finish!", 0+64, "Dataimport")
close databases all