Wasn't sure where to post this but: Why is the Mac version lagging so far behind the Windows and Linux versions?
I've been wanting to use it on my Mac laptop (13") for some time, but when I got the licence I installed it on the office PC (bigger screen and keyboard) so I could play with it there. I then got made redundant a couple of months back so no access to that PC. I got given an old 17" laptop that I put Kubuntu on, then I thought 'hey! I can put Lianja on that!' I did, now that laptop is dead... (Not blaming Lianja!).
Sooo, I know Apple have moved the goalposts a few times, and the new 'Apple silicon' Macs are coming, but why is the Mac download 2 years old?
I've looked through the forum posts but haven't found anything on this.