One named Company with a unique ID of CompanyID Int 10 that is set to be autoinc and mandatory.
The other one is contacts and it has in it a field called CompanyID Int 10 that is of the type int, but not set to autoinc or mandatory. They both have about a dozen more fields mostly of character types of varying lengths.
I then create a new page, add two sections one of type form and one of type grid.
I drag the table companies to the top (form) section and about 1/2 dozen of the fields from contacts to the bottom (Grid) section.
I then click on the plus sign to the left of the top section and then on the header of the bottom section.
Every time I get a fatal error.
If it helps attached is a zip file with the database I was working with.
I had a similar bug; ticketed it, and it's fixed. Maybe yours too?
In the meantime, if you specify the Parent Key in the first section attributes, and Child key in the 2nd section attributes, that will probably prevent the error (it did for me).
In the section attributes for the top (form) section I set the Parent key to "CompanyID" and in the section attributes for the bottom (grid) section I set the Child key to "CompanyID" that being the linking key between the company and contact tables. I also tried it the other way around setting the child key in the form section and the parent in the grid section, and lastly because this is what is in the Lianja Demo, I left both fields blank in the attributes to section one and filled in both the parent and the child field in section 2.
Hopefully they will have the next build out soon and I won't have to worry.